Fight back against depression!

Hi everyone! It is without a doubt that we are all living the effects of a very unique astrological combination, which we probably won’t ever experience in this life. Firstly Uranus is going to enter the sign of Taurus, bringing massive global changes during the next 7 years. But, before it starts drastically changing the collective, it has to grant a certain heightened awareness to the individual, one which most people never experienced before, forcing all of us to rebel, in our own unique and individual ways against the illusions of society. Other big power players such as Neptune in his home sings of Pisces, causes all of our senses to be wide open to even the most subtle psychological influences, and of course Saturn being in his home sign of Capricorn is forcing all of us to reevaluate our lives and our past, with a very self critical approach.

While, for most most people, these energies cause a sense of optimism, serendipity, and gives them power and passion to follow their higher calling, to other people, this unique astrological context causes severe depression and suicidal tendencies. These heightened negative emotions are getting even stronger as the Moon gets ready to conjunct the Sun and Neptune in Pisces. Some people feel totally stagnant and trapped in their own minds and bodies and simply can not put their fingers on what causes their beings and thoughts to punish them so severely. Many people are looking for the answers in the wrong places, but the core of the problems, sometimes, is just under our noses.

One of the main sources of these bag feelings and thoughts is expectations and conditioning. The power of Uranus transiting the sing of Aries, which represents the Self, makes us rebel against expectations and conditioning that other people, society, and illusions place upon our beings. These illusions are extremely dangerous to our spirits, because they prevent us from living our most authentic truths. So, before we dive into feelings and thoughts of deep ingratitude, we have to be aware first, if whatever it is that displeases us about our lives and self, is our own failure? or maybe it is someone else’s expectations from you? If you would remove yourself from society, would you still be unhappy? If you wouldn’t compare yourself to the success, well being, material wealth, abilities, studies etc of other people, would you still be dissatisfied with yourself? If the “system” wouldn’t measure your success in money and popularity would you still be unhappy with the way your life’s story played out so far?

It is these question that Uranus forces you to answer, and if the success and fame you are seeking is highly illusionary in nature and is meant to satisfy your parents, lover, friends, children and not your spirit, then it is very unlikely that Saturn will release your from his grip, because there are times when the stars favor illusions and “let’s pretends”, but right now, Uranus dominates the sky and it rejects all such things.

Another important aspect which may cause depression and the sensation of dissatisfaction in envy. Most people totally disregard this extremely deadly and poisonous little feeling, and trick of the mind, because they think it’s part of human nature. But is it really? Envy can camouflage it’s self as a very strong motivational force, leaving the individual to think that it’s just ambition, devotion, strong desire, a healthy dose of competitive spirit, but if we strip our psyches of all external influence we might find that what we truly desire, what our soul really really wants is something totally different than those things and “virtues” we are fighting for. It is very easy to get confused, especially for young people, because they were instinctively taught at very early ages what “success” and a “healthy life”, healthy personality looks like, and everything that they may feel, which is against those illusionary values is immediately repressed and buried in the subconscious, until the waters of our souls turn darker and darker, and by the end they become quicksand. After that happens, many people choose to forcefully exist their current incarnation, because that’s the only thing they feel that they can do to escape the quicksand.

Depression is a sign that there is a huge war going on inside you, where your being, your soul so to speak, is trying to fight off all the negative influences and illusions of society, the expectations of other people, that do not align with your true values, and ultimately it’s trying it’s hardest to survive the suffocation of an unhealthy ego agitated and triggered by negative emotions such as disguised envy, disguised low self worth, the lack of self love, deep rooted traumas and so much more.

Hiding your depression is the biggest mistake you can do, because this way you isolate yourself from the compassion of other people, and totally block out the Universe and your Higher self from entering your life, for example: through the healing words of someone you love, finding a support group, becoming aware of the causes that make you depressed etc. all of which guarantee the start of recovery and healing. Many people going through depression try to repress it the best they can by socializing and doing everything in their power not to be alone, even if it means putting on an act, forcing themselves to do something they really don’t feel like just to fit in and to please, or escaping their lives though video games, drugs, alcohol etc.

To vulnerable people the fear of being alone is something equal to being tortured, because solitude causes the truth to come out, and since an unhealthy ego rejects them, this confrontation process masks it;self as unbearable psychological suffering, pain, the desire of self harm and self loathe.

This vicious cycle keeps on repeating until depression effects the physical body causing mysterious illnesses, insomnia, digestive dysfunctions, anxiety, psoriasis, loss of hair etc. and in very severe cases, yes it can lead to cancer, epilepsy and other very severe diseases.

Also, people going through depression, thinking a lot of self harming, negative, hateful thoughts towards the self attract self serving low vibe entities and they can experiences episodes of hauntings, demonic possessions, increased paranormal activity, etc, which can ultimately lead to the total disconnection with the real world, insanity, psychosis etc.

If you happen to be a person going though any of this, know that there is ALWAYS help and hope! One of the first things that you must do it make the decision to FIGHT! You are NOT your thoughts, you are an eternal divine being descended from the Source, emotions, thoughts, illusions can never ever defeat your spirit. Do everything in your power to muster up the strength to believe in yourself and in your own story. If you feel lost and alone, there is always outside help, there are a lot of support groups, even on-line so you don’t even have to leave the comfort of your own home, and of course there are people who dedicated their whole lives and sacrificed long years of their lives to study and develop methods to help, it’s not shameful to visit a psychological counselor, because the very nature of their work is manifested compassion and mastery over the study of the human soul. They can become your biggest allies, and they can help you start a new life, and make your depressed days seem like the memory of a bad dream.

The planets themselves are in a configuration (and they are gonna stay like that for a couple of years) to offer help and support, all the energies that they send your way are meant to awaken your soul and give you the strength and clarity to heal yourself, get rid of all your traumas, and ultimately arise like your very best version, offering you the chance to live life according to your own unique authentic way. Always remember that hope is stronger than any other power, and you incarnated here to taste the experience of survival through greater love and greater wisdom, there is absolutely no need to punish yourself.

The New Moon taking place this March in the sign of Pisces, which also has it’s ruler joining this divine celestial dance, sends you all the energy, power, courage, strength and clarity, to heal yourself and start living a new life.

Chiron, the asteroid associated with healing, also entered the sign of Aries, which represents the Self, this further catalyzes all efforts invested in self healing.

March Tarot-scope for all signs

Hi everyone, and welcome to your Tarot-scope for the month of March. The overall energies of March may feel a little bit too accelerated for some people, especially earth sings, because Uranus finally leaves the sign of Aries and enters the first degree of Taurus, a sing, where it’s gonna spend the next 7 years in. This astrological event, may or may not have a massive material impact on the individual, for the collective however, it’s going to change a lot of things. First of all Taurus is an earth sign, and it rules material longevity, permanency, agriculture, finances, banks, material security and of course material values. This sing has very conservative energies and always tends to ground and offer stability, to everything that is practical. Uranus on the other hand is the planet of revolution and it’s associated with bursts of energy, lightning, electricity, magnetism, awareness, shocks and surprises. During the past years, there has been a lot of talk about energy shifts, well I believe this is the moment those people who strongly believed and envisioned this have been waiting for, because during the next 7 years, Uranus is bound to change everything. First it’s going to change banking systems, the collective perception about money and material values and it’s going to revolutionize the industry, many astrologers speculate, that Uranus in Taurus is going to lead to the digitization of money, and of course the way it reflects the individuals worth. Uranus in Taurus also speaks about massive advancements in technology, many things which merely existed in theory will be made “real” and practical, one of the main domains which can benefit from this energy is medicine, genetics and agriculture, because Taurus is associated with the physical body and physical well being.

Our notion of beauty and aesthetics will also undergo some changes, because the ruler of Taurus is Venus, and when she is associated with the earth sing she rules (Libra is also her home sing) her energies represent that of the Earthly Aphrodite, our perception of physical beauty and the value we attribute to it. Uranus many times opposes symmetry and that which is traditional, and confers perfection a very surrealistic approach.

Another very important aspect dominating March is the presence of the Sun, Moon, Neptune and Mercury in the sing of Pisces. This energy is going to influence very many aspects of our lives, it will promote healing both from a strict medical, but also alternative medicine perspective, it will also catalyze all spiritual activities, and help us find our inner most truths, and things that have been hidden from us. This can also play out collectively, because Mercury rules social media, news, journalism, and any other method of making information public, so secrets, that are going to be exposed about very influential people during this time may have a massive impact globally. Mercury is also going to retrograde, giving us the chance to complete those plans, contracts, businesses that have been delayed, or didn’t have the chance to have immediate effect.

Another important aspect is the presence of Venus in the sign of Aquarius, this will give birth to new trends, and promote the weird and usual in the fashion industry.

Last, but not least, while no astrologer likes to talk about this, it’s worth a mention, at the beginning of the article I’ve talked about the impact of Uranus changing sings is going to have on the collective. Taurus also rules the crust of the Earth, and the last time Uranus entered the sign of Taurus at zero degrees was 7 years ago, when the Fukushima disaster occurred. This astrological event can be associated with increased volcanic activity, hurricanes, tsunamies, earthquakes and man made disasters. Also, it is also a well known fact, that increased Uranian energies tend to lower the Earth’s magnetic sphere, which can lead to strange weather phenomenon.

Now, for the actual tarot-scope:


10 of wands & The Empress. This energy will influence Aries natives to work extremely hard to free themselves from all material burdens. If these natives have debt of any kind, material, moral obligations, promises they need to keep, they will work tirelessly to do everything in their power to either totally cover those obligations, or to minimize them as much as they can. While, the Empress guarantees success, and rewards for their hard work, the 10 of wands speaks of the sacrifices life demands of them. Work in it’s self is not going to be the problem, because they are going to feel very resilient and strong, but the build up of pressure and extreme amounts of stress (they will tend to be their own slave drivers) may take it’s toll on their health.

This situation is going to be especially heightened for those Aries natives who are parents, because their children are gonna go through a very difficult time and they will require a lot of patience, material or moral support. This could also be true the opposite way for middle ages Aries, who have aging parents.

For those natives who are single, the month of March may lead to new beginnings on a romantic level, and for those who are in a stable relationship, the Empress may signify fertility and pregnancy.

Business wise, the 10 of wands signals a very busy time where your emotional and mental capacities will be very solicited, but the number 10 is also the end of the busy cycle, it’s the last couple of yards until the finish line, which promises material rewards, well earned prosperity and the joy of life represented by the Empress.


The Hermit & Fool reversed:

The Hermit card signifies that Taurus natives are going to undergo either a spiritual revolution, or an intellectual upgrade. In classic Tarot the Hermit carries a lantern, which illuminates his path, symbolizing that you are seeking greater knowledge, and through this greater knowledge you hope to ground yourself emotionally, materially and spiritually. The light that guides you is definitely your life experiences, inner truth and wisdom and you are prepared to stand up for yourself regardless of the situation to defend your values and everything that you find a part of yourself and your truth in, but the fool symbolizes that you need to get out of your comfort zone, and face your material fears in order to achieve a sense of greater material and professional stability. It is very hard to tell what facing your fears and getting our of your comfort zone actually translates too, because the Hermit card symbolizes, that everything that happens in March is very personal and depends on each person’s life story and karma. For some natives this may mean separation, leaving a shared accommodation and taking a leap of faith to go solo. For others it may mean is risking letting someone new into your life and starting a new relationship despite your fears that you might not be a perfect match.

For single Taurians this may mean answering an irresistible inner calling to establish a family of your own and find a new home.


5 of coins and 10 of wands reversed:

The 5 of coins could mean a couple of different things, depending on your unique situation. One of the possible meanings may signify that you’ve invested a large sum of money into something that may have been important at that time and you are going to face a time of financial difficulty and “poverty” in the sense that you possess many assets and material values, but you lack the flow of money, which may force you to give up on certain pleasures of life. An other possible meaning of this card is that certain obligations either towards family, siblings, parents may force you to get into debt, a situation which will give you a couple of sleepless nights, not because you can’t manage, but because it restricts your freedom. One of it’s more positive meanings is that, someone very dear to you is going to bail you out from a difficult situation, but this will morally leave you in their debt.

Last, but not least, the 5 of coins doesn’t necessarily have to mean material wealth, but rather your health. From this perspective this may mean that you have neglected your physical body and your own well being, and now the imbalances may force you to visit the doctor. Of course this will also cause some material loss, because you will be unable to work for a couple of days. The 5 of coins is also linked to stress and anxiety related diseases, so one way or another you will be forced to rest and focus on your well being.

The 10 of wands reversed, means that regardless of what the unpleasant situation signaled by the 5 of coins plays out as in your life, the compromise that you will have to make for your own well being will take a huge burden off your shoulders. It may take away some of your freedom and leave you feel indebted, but you will find the strength to accept the situation and ultimately find ideas, solutions which will improve your life in the long run, so you won’t feel any regret, on the contrary, by the end of March you will see the bright side of things, because the number ten represents the end of a cycle.


7of Cups & 8 of coins:

This is a beautiful combination, because the 7 of cups speaks of your emotional strength and resilience. You may have been through some very challenging times, where everything signaled to give up on your dreams, and to lower your standards. You embraced your inner truth and protected your dreams, and the reality you want to create for yourself with all your strength, and even though you may have been a bit wounded at times, even though you may have missed some good opportunities, but which demanded compromise you weren’t willing to make, even though you may have been feeling down and not yourself for some time, your dreams and future goals are still intact and your inner fire is starting to light up again. The 8 of coins doesn’t promise you that in March everything you hoped and dreamed is gonna come true, BUT it does promise you that significant progress is gonna be made.

If, this situations means professional, career oriented goals, then situations are going to arise where you will have the chance to prove your mastery, professionalism, the sharpness of your intellect and your love and enthusiasm for that which you love doing, and proving yourself and your value as a professional is going to be what ultimately unites you with your goals.

The 8 of coins can also signify new studies, courses, apprenticeship, or a mentor who’s gonna provide you with some valuable knowledge and know-how is gonna appear in your life.

If the situation described by the 7 of cups refers to something emotional or spiritual in nature, then the 8 of coins means an evolution, advancement progress which will have a physical side as well.


3 of cups & 9 of coins:

This combination urges Leo natives to do what they do best: just be themselves and enjoy life. The 3 of cups has more than one meaning and the different meanings can be valid simultaneously. One of them speaks about the recent past, you may have had a hard time at work, or you might have put in way too much effort in creating stability and balance in your life. Thanks to your hard work and concentration, March is going to feel very different, at least from a psychological perspective, because you are going to be your lighthearted self and find a source of joy and pleasure in everything that you do. The 9 of coins also represents well earned rewards, beside the material benefit of the rewards, there is also honor and gratitude associated to it. This gratitude is double sided, because people who you helped and inspired in the past will show their gratitude, but it also comes from your Higher Self, telling you in different ways that you have all the reasons to be proud of the person who you are and all the decisions you took in the past!

The 3 of cups can also mean that you are gonna be invited to a celebration of some sorts, this could be as simple as a night out with friends, or something as major as a wedding ceremony. Additionally, for single Leo natives the 3 of cups also represents a boost to their romantic life, while it doesn’t guarantee that you’re gonna find the love of your life, what it does promise is dates, flirts, and having a good time. For those of you who are in an established bond, this card represents the enjoyment of each others company and persona, and for those who have children, it could also represent the unity of the whole family. Last, but not least the 3 of cups represents inspiration, creativity, resourcefulness, an artistic way to go about things, and for freelancers and who own their own business this might mean a short term collaboration with someone very inspiring.


6 of cups reversed & Ace of wands reversed:

March isn’t going to be the easiest month for Virgo natives, but at least it will shed light on certain problems in their lives which cause stagnation and disharmony, and thus giving them the chance to eliminate them. The combination of cups and wands may suggest that the root of all problems are psychological in nature, cups being the symbol of emotions, and the wands symbolize the expression of those feeling, and because both are in a reversed position, it means that there is a blockage.

The 6 of cups in reversed position suggests, that because of an old trauma or lack of trust from a very important person, you lack emotional clarity, are unsure of yourself and your own feelings, and from a strict emotional point of view you are reliving the past. This card can also suggest the lack of harmony between you and your friends and family, you might feel abandoned, forsaken emotionally. It doesn’t necessarily have to be linked to a person, it could just represent your old self, moments in your life when you were extremely fragile and vulnerable and all the fears of not repeating the same mistakes, and reliving the sense of failure.

The Ace of wands represents your ideas, future plans, innovative efforts. You’ve made a huge progress in the recent past, you trusted your expertise, mastery, ideas and followed them through. But right now you may be feeling very disappointed because there are no immediate results, and practically you have no confirmation if your past decisions and actions were wise or unwise, you do not know where you stand, and what further actions need to be taken. The reversed position of this card, doesn’t mean that your choices were unwise, it merely means that you need to give yourself and your ideas time. You are way ahead of yourself and you might be rushing things, because you feel a sense of urgency. If you slow down, and accept the fact that you are NOT your thoughts and your fears, and allow the Universe to put the puzzle together when the time is most ideal. If you manage to do this, then you already turned the Ace of wands into upright position and March is going to fill you up with motivation, inner power, self-belief, and the feeling that things are gonna go very well for you. However if you let yourself drown in a sea of fears, then the only things you will achieve is sleepless night and disharmony with everyone around you. Trust in divine timing because you are going to make significant progress in March.


8of swords reversed & 8 of swords reversed.

This is a very unusual combination because both the main card and the clarifier are the same and in the same position.

These cards suggest that you have made very important progress in the recent past. You have done a lot of thinking and overthinking, you analyzed your life from every possible perspective, you might have done some meditation, yoga or any other practice which helps release stress and old traumas, and now you can finally enjoy the results. The month of March is going to be a another milestone in your journey to reach a state of material, emotional, mental and of course spiritual freedom. You have suffered a lot during the past 8 months, and you may have made some very unwise choices, you may have been misguided by your romantic and over-compassionate nature, but now you are in a state of clarity, in which you can see and understand why things turned out the way they did, and the Universe is going to give you those opportunities which you have been waiting for, but which demanded a lot of inner work. You are going to break free from all moral material and financial obligations, and work towards strengthening yourself, and the power that you hold over your own life. Finally after a long time, you are going to be the one who decides where life is going to take you next, and what elements, people, situations you’d like to have in your life and also eliminate and block out the ones you don’t desire and do not serve your best interest.

If you are thinking about moving, traveling, going on an adventure, seeing the world, changing careers, becoming a freelancer or starting your own business, the double 8 of swords reversed is telling you that you will have the freedom to do so and every decision that you are gonna take will be guided by your own wisdom, awareness of Self, and a state of emotional clarity.


The Moon & Page of Cups:

The Moon card can signify more than one thing, which can be valid simultaneously. Firstly it represents your fears. The month of March may force you to make some decisions, some of which have a risk factor attached to them, in the sense that regardless what you do and what you choose, it could lead to disadvantage, but likewise it could also turn into something very positive. On another note, the Moon card can signify an emotional instability, a state of heightened irritability, the sensation that you are not doing enough for your loved ones, the feeling of not being valued, and ultimately a sense of solitude, but not the pleasant kind. Fortunately there is the Page of Cups which accompanies the Moon, so it also highlights the positive aspect of The Moon in Cancer (the astrological correspondent of this card) which means that you are going to stand from a place of compassion and comradery, your own fears and unstable emotions will be put aside because you are gonna support someone in your life who is going through a much more negative psychological phase than you are. Lending you moral and emotional support to someone who you love, will bring out the best in you, and the negative aspects of the Moon card are going to turn into virtues and emotional strength for both you and the person who you are going to support. The Page of cups signifies the contentment associated with receiving and giving love, thus offering you an emotional power to face all obstacles that you try and hinder you in March.

The Moon card can also signify the return of some old medical problems which you might have faced in the past, or a flare up of current ones. Combined with the Page of Cups from a physical perspective it represents the healing power of the Moon, positive thinking, de-stressing, meditation and a good night’s sleep is going to make your life much easier.


9 of Cups reversed & The Sun

Despite of Jupiter, their ruler, being in his home sign since December last years, most Sagittarius natives didn’t enjoy the power of their ruler as much as they should have. Their undivided attention was more focused on the problems present in their lives, and all the things that make them unhappy, rather than the small joys, and that is why probably, Jupiter expanded the unpleasant feeling that those problems caused them, rather than expanding the positive aspects of their lives. The Sun card symbolizes, that in the month of March Sagittarius natives are gonna have the chance to focus on everything that’s positive and is a source of joy in their lives. If they muster the inner strength to do this and be grateful for what they have, and identify the permanent presence of good fortune and positivity in their lives, then this will give them the magnetism to attract positive situations, people, and greater manifestation of good fortune.

The 9 of cups reversed, however, speaks of their innate empathy and the bad effects it can have on their lives. The astrological correspondent of 9 of cups is Jupiter in Pisces, which can be interpreted as the ultimate expression of generosity, compassion, empathy and self sacrifice. In the moth of March Sagittarius natives are challenged to focus upon themselves, and their own happiness and try their very best not to be affected by the problems and suffering which other people may go through, because getting involved way too deeply in the lives of others, no matter how close those people might be, will lead towards sharing their suffering and all the traumas that block them.

If you manage to stay focuses and balanced, March can be a very beautiful month, full of sunshine in a spiritual and emotional perspective. Rather than to share the negativity of people around you, try and be your own source of happiness and joy and by doing this you can be an inspiration to anyone who is going through a hard time, and make your own down days much more bearable.

The Sun card may also suggest that in the month of March you might become very active socially, making new friends, alliances, acquaintances with like minded people who are gonna have a positive effect on you.


10 of swords & Hanged man reversed:

The 10 of swords speaks about the past, where you might have suffered a bitter defeat in at least one area of your life. This could have been your career, where despite your best efforts and professional superiority it just didn’t work out, or life threw in surprises which forced you to abandon it and start something totally new, or it could have been your love life where no matter what sacrifices you made, it just didn’t work out. The energies of March are going to surprise you very pleasantly regarding this situation, because you are going to see the the logic, the non linear reasons why things turned out they way they did, and it will give you a sense of freedom and contentment with the choices you’ve made so far in your life. Additionally the 10 of swords also represents the end of the cycle, meaning that if your losses left you with a trauma, you are going to find release and resolution. The hanged man in reversed position compliments this perfectly, because you will find emotional clarity, you are going to enjoy living your own personal truth and whatever replaced that, which you lost in the past is going to show great progress and potential, thus promising you a very bright future and give you the strength to once again put all your efforts in whatever it is that you are doing, because the rewards are almost guaranteed.

Additionally, the hanged man reversed means that your emotions are going to be under control, giving you the opportunity to benefit from your mental agility and your innate sense of logic, putting you into advantageous positions, because you are gonna be one step ahead of everyone, which is excellent news if you own your own business, are a student, or take part in a competition.

Last, but not least the Hanged man reversed can also signify that someone very close to you is going through a very tough time or is facing illness, while currently you are very worried and this is having a massive effect on your well-being, in the future you will be able to accept the fact that you can’t live another person’s karma and offering your unconditional help and support is enough to make a difference .


The Tower reversed & 2 of coins reversed:

The Tower card reversed may mean that you are not living your life totally authentically. It may suggest that many things that you do, many things that you show the world, even many things which you do for yourself, are meant to create the impression, the illusion that you have everything under total control and your life is going well. The Tower reversed means that you may not listen to your emotions, or align with your inner truth, but rather you impose the way you have to feel and act, either because life or your career demands this from you, or because you are trying to out maneuver “society”. While investing the sharpness of your intellect, your innate wisdom, your mastery and knowledge of psychology into life tactics may not be the best idea long-term, the month of March is definitely going to advantage you, in the sense that everything that you show, every gesture of yours is gonna be noticed and you are gonna get admiration and recognition from many sources. Regarding your career this could play out in the gain of a great advantage over your competitors, regards to your love life, this will mean that your partner is gonna be almost totally under your control. As I mentioned before, this may be a good idea in the close future, just be sure not to believe your own illusions and always know your most authentic inner truth, because life has already shown you on several occasions that the Tower can crumble when it’s under too much pressure. Also showing the world just how well you are doing may attract envy and toxic people.

The 2 of coins reversed warns you to be careful because in the month of March you are gonna have the tendency to overspend and manage your finances in very unwise ways. This implies buying things that you don’t really need, and aiming for the most expensive and exquisite items. Overspending on luxury items, expensive holidays, unnecessary travels, and being way too generous may not be a good idea.


The Empress & The Chariot

This is a superb combination which promises a very successful month. The Empress can signify material abundance, rewards, stability, being in a state of flow materially, an excellent time for business, projects, the material benefits of your creativity. Career wise the Empress is the astrological representation of Venus in Taurus, which means an excellent time to harvest the fruits of your labor, and everything that you’re gonna invest effort and energy into is going to bare fruits. En excellent time to upgrade or to expand if you own your own business.

From an emotional perspective, The Empress can mean a new relationship for male Pisces natives, or fertility and pregnancy for female natives.

If you have been flirting and dating someone, and there is at least a spark of emotion present, this could be a perfect time to turn it into something stable.

The Chariot represents your own triumph in that area of your life on which you are currently focusing all your attention towards. Additionally this could also represent a journey, travels, or someone visiting you, and there is an emotional satisfaction, the feeling of fulfillment attached to it.

From a spiritual perspective the Chariot signifies the unity of emotion and thought, and by achieving this state, you have the chance to manifest something that you desire deeply in the present.

Full Moon Tarot scope for all signs

I channeled the power of the Universe to give a short guidance for each sing:

Hi everyone! This is a special Full Moon reading for all signs. Full Moons in astrology represent completion of a cycle, and clarity in at least one area of life. Februaries Full Moon in the sign of Virgo at zero degrees is going to help us live our own personal truth much more authentically. Astrological aspects occurring at zero degrees are the most powerful and have the most impact, regardless of what they represent.


10 of coins & Page of Swords: The Universe encourages you to put all your mastery, skill and intellectual capacities into your work. During the next Lunar cycle, you are going to be very busy, and may be solicited to perform some activities besides your normal routine. If such offers or requests enter your life, do not hesitate to accept the “challenge” even though you will have to sacrifice time and energy, that you would normally spend on yourself, because even if not immediately, in a couple of weeks or even months you will be well rewarded. The rewards could be financial in nature or you will be in the position to ask favors, which at that time will be of great help to you.


8 of Swords reversed & 9 of Coins: The Universe is going to put you in delicate situations, where you will be challenged to put those life lessons into practice, which caused you great distress and the sensation of feeling lost in the past. Your wisdom, inner strength, the clarity of your thoughts, and most of all honesty (with others and yourself and courage to express what you truly think) is not only going to advantage you and help you solve your problems, but you will also prove to yourself and others that you can manage every situation perfectly on your own. In the past, you relied on either friends, partner or parents to give you a helping hand, but life and karma forced you to learn how to manage alone. Once again that is exactly what’s gonna happen, and you are going to feel pride, independence and a sense of being in harmony with yourself. The 9 of coins also suggests a state of nobility and being perceived by other people with the greatest respect and admiration.


The Hanged man & High Priestess: In the recent past you went through some very tough and challenging times, where self doubt, confusion and the lack of emotional clarity was you biggest enemy, which caused you to turn against yourself and struggle with your inner demons. Now, those experiences, have turned into valuable wisdom and emotional power, that benefit not just yourself but others who are close to you. Someone in your life is about to face similar challenges, and will need your support. The High Priestess signifies that you are going to stand from a position of clarity, wisdom and compassion, where you advice and mental skills are going to save the day. Facing you own hardship amplified your empathy, making it very easy for you to understand others, see things from their perspective, thus giving you the power to give valuable, accurate and honest advice. The emotional support you are going to offer others, is going to be rewarded by the Universe later on throughout the year. From a spiritual perspective, this will be a valid reflection, and confirmation that your intuition evolved way beyond your wildest dreams. Giving you the opportunity to see and admire your own beauty and mystery in a non-egocentric way.


5 of Cups & Ace of Coins: In the recent past you were either disappointed or let down emotionally, or you may have felt as if the routine of life drained you and has broken your dreams. Regardless of what caused this emotional restraint, the Full Moon is going to shed light on the reasons why things happened the way they did. There was a very important life lesson in all of it, and that is for you to see just how “poisonous” and unhealthy expectations are. You forget the fact that you are emotionally way more mature and sophisticated than other people, and your sense of equity and justice is a bit too absolute. Now, that you’ve learned these lessons, and learned to approach life and other people with no expectations, the Ace of Coins suggests that the situation (or person) which disappointed you in the past is going to return, but this time things will take a very different turn, because the Divine will reward your courage and inner strength to admit that it was wrong for you to have unrealistic expectations. This is like a second change to run the same script, but the result will delight you and fill you with new hope. The Ace of coins can also mean a gesture of kindness or present which someone uses as a sing of apology or to make you feel happy and content. This could also signify that if it’s not a person or an emotional issue which caused the disappointment, rather your inability to support yourself by projecting your expectations on others, the Universe is going to send all the resources that you need to resurrect your dreams, or to make you feel as valued as you once desired.


The Fool, Knight of Coins reversed. The Universe knows that you have been working very hard, and despite your best efforts things haven’t progressed that much. The Knight of Coins suggest material issues, money, perhaps debts, which aren’t going to disappear overnight, but they do not represent a threat, or a major worry anymore, because things are under control. The Fool Card is a very positive message from the Universe telling you not to worry, because even if a little bit slowly, but everything is going to work out when the time is right, but right now you need to take a break, both mentally and physically, and awake your inner child. Have fun, go out, meet with your friends, go on a journey, play, laugh, do whatever brings you joy, in other words, time to release the inner Lion and not worry about material problems. You already passed the test of the Universe, you worked hard and got very serious when life demanded it, so trust in divine timing, and dare to let your problems go and focus on the pleasures of life.

Additionally the Fool may encourage you that it is a good time to take risks or to gamble (in a balanced and healthy way, for example buying a lotto ticket, or something which can’t disadvantage you, the investment you put into whatever you choose should be minimal and you should be in it for the experience of playing/fun and not have any expectations)


King of Cups & Tower reversed: The Tower reversed speaks of your fears coming to life. You may feel un-grounded, not sure of yourself, things may seem to evolve in the worst possible direction, your plans and hopes are close to crumbling despite your best efforts to avoid disaster. The Universe is telling you that, you already prevented the Tower from being raised to the ground, because you were wise and cautious, but you are way ahead of yourself and the reason you might perceive that things aren’t working is because you are trying to force those things to move and align with your expectations, which do not depend on you. You did your work, now you have to wait and trust in the Universe to put the puzzle together.

The King of Cups represents that you are not alone, you have important people in your life to help you out and support you at all times. This could be a parent, sibling, partner, co-worker, business partner etc. who is going to bail you out both emotionally and materially if anything bad would happen.

The King of Cups also suggests that positive thinking is imperative during this time, any negativity will just lead to paranoia and discord.


7 of cups & 7 of swords: the & of cups is a message from the Universe, that your wishes, desires, dreams, fantasies are going to come to life. Your intuition, life experience, your gut-feeling is telling you, that the moment of completion is close. You invested lots of spiritual energy, faith, planning, contemplation into attracting into your life, that which you desire, so you have a heightened sense of hope that things are coming together, slowly falling into place. But the Universe warns you with the 7 of swords, not to be too confident and not to make promises, because you have no control over time and things which depend on other people. Unrealistic way of thinking and expecting miracles can lead to a self sabotaging attitude, living in fantasy, which ultimately is going to disappoint you. Equally if your hopes depend on the promise of an other person, be very careful because you may be deceived, or someone is using you and your naivety for their own advantage. The combination of these cards tells you that the Universe is working with you shoulder to shoulder, to give you that which you desire the most, but you have to be patient, and keep your feelings, premonitions to your self. Also, if you receive promises, offers from someone (even like the promise of a job, an interview, a contract, a relationship) proceed wisely, only celebrate the success after you actually achieve it, after it is in your hands. In other words, it’s not yours until you can hold it!


Knight of swords & 8 of wands: This combination of cards comes as an encouragement from the Universe, that you are following the right path from every perspective. You’ve had major blockages and standstills in your younger years, or in the past 8 years, and your evolution and the way you handled all the situations that life threw at you was simply remarkable. The 8 of wands suggests that you were guided by a higher force, your intuition and non linear way of thinking was always in your greatest advantage, and when your couldn’t rely on that, sheer ambition and perseverance broke the standstill.

Things are evolving for you in a very positive direction, but the Knight of swords suggests, that in order to evolve even more, make your life even easier, you need new studies or some sort of mastery, which has to take an official form (license, diploma, certificate etc). Since you already have a huge amount of experience and practical knowledge, obtaining official recognition for your skills won’t be hard, and can be accomplished quite fast. Additionally if you have your own business or are a freelancer, the combination of these 2 cards suggests that maybe a business offer is going to come from abroad, greatly widening your perspective, and giving you way more options than you currently have.


Death & Ace of wands reversed: The Universe is telling you, that it knows you desire a major change in your life, and it is working hand in hand with you to enable that change and bring new, fresh opportunities into your life. Unfortunately, your spiritual power, your belief, your magnetism is not sufficient to draw that which you desire the most into your life. The Death signifies that you may be going through a process of spiritual cleansing, when things, situations, people, routines are starting to disappear from your life, but are not being replaced. This is not bad luck, or any form of divine punishment, the Universe is waiting for you to change your way of thinking, the way you perceive your own life, your own persona, and become more aligned with the person who you know you are deep inside. The Ace of wands is reversed, because many times you show, behave, manifest totally differently, than how you truly feel, or are blocked by miss-aligned beliefs. This is a form of compromise to fit into society, and while it’s undeniable that may times in life this compromise is necessary for survival, there are also times when you have to perfectly align with your own principles, inner values, take the risk of expressing them and standing up for yourself. If you manage to muster the inner strength and courage to adapt this attitude, then you will gain the true strength of the Ace of Wands, which can be seen as one’s personal power, one’s divine spark, and this will open all doors for Pluto (The Death Card) to transform your life into that which your desire the most.

For some of you this combination may mean that you have to quit old habits, say no to addictions and escapism, in order to start living a fuller and healthier life.


King of swords & 3 of Cups reversed: This comes as a warning from the Universe to be very careful how you communicate. Sometimes what you are trying to say, and what actually comes out are 2 totally different things, and this could lead to major misunderstandings and confusion. You were blessed with great intellectual capacities and with an extremely quick and sharp mind, so it is easy for you to draw quick conclusions, come up with ingenious solutions in every area of life, but you may be making the mistake of expecting others around you, even close ones, like partner, close friends and family, the have the same mental quickness. You are always one step ahead of everyone mentally, but this might not be the case emotionally. The 3 of cups is reversed, because it advises you to be more emphatic, and have realistic expectations of others around you, in the sense, that not everyone has such a sharp and mathematical mind, and for some people emotions and the way they feel are more important than thoughts. Sometimes, you have to slow down your thoughts, giving others a chance to catch up, otherwise this could lead to disharmony, giving you the impression that you are not accepted the way you are and others do not enjoy your company. Also, try to separate thoughts from feelings, because many times you lack the ability to understand emotions and how other people truly feel. Emotions, and the way they make people behave are not always logical, so in order for you to be in tune with the emotional states of others you have to develop your own “emotional intelligence” and intuition, even if you do not believe in the existence of such things.


9 of wands reversed & 2 of swords: The Universe is telling you that, you are performing really well work, creativity, resource and time management wise, and you take all your responsibilities and duties very seriously. If others depend on your work, if you work with a public, or offer a public service, or perhaps someone is under your care, you are putting in way too much effort and time into those activities. You may feel the need to perform, to demonstrate your skills and personal power both to others and yourself, but you are ignoring your own emotional needs, your own feelings and inner harmony, in the process. The 2 of swords suggests, that everyday life is starting to put a blindfold over your eyes, and the way you perceive your priorities is leading you on a wrong path of self neglect.

During this time you may want to listen to the advice and feedback of those around you, because they may see your situation and the life pattern that’s playing out more clearly and authentically than you.

If you manage the take off the blindfold, by allowing others to be the mirrors for the person who you are, that 9 of wands reversed, won’t be a burden of responsibilities anymore, but inner resource, strength, experience, enabling you to be a kind of “super-hero”, who has a solution to every problem, in your own life and others, thus leading you towards happiness.


8 of wands & 7 of coins: The Universe encourages you to keep on doing what’s you are doing because it’s leading you towards your own personal success. You have friends, acquaintances, relations, connections everywhere and lots of those people were helped by you in the past. Now the Universe is turning the tides, and you may find that people will contact you offering you all kinds of help, friendly gestures, presents or any other sort of rewards. This is a fantastic opportunity to start new projects, new journeys, set new goals, raise your standards, because help and support is around every corner for you.

While ultimate success and accomplishment is not yet within your grasp, you know you don’;t have to wait long, and also you feel that you are definitely on the right path.

The combination of these 2 cards suggests that your life is slowly being upgraded from every perspective, and towards the end of Summer you might have the opportunity to visit a place/country/destination that you’ve always dreamed of.

Full Moon in Virgo (19th of February)

Hi everyone ans welcome to another astrology forecast. In this article we are going to talk about the upcoming Full Moon in the sign of Virgo at zero degrees and 42 minutes. As you know from my previous work, zero degrees is an extremely powerful energy, and the fact that Virgo is an earth sign, makes it that more powerful physically.

One of the major benefits that this Full Moon is going to create, regards our health and physical body.

This astrological context encourages everything to do with physical healing, which doesn’t necessarily have to involve any spiritual power. This is a perfect opportunity to go and do your annual medical check ups, or if you know you have certain medical problems which you ignored, or didn’t prioritize in the past, as the Moon traverses the sign of Virgo, all efforts, inner and outer resources that you might invest in your own health will be more than worth it.

A Full Moon in Virgo also blesses all professionals who work in healthcare, regardless of what area they work in, during this time, their work is blessed with incredible precision, accuracy and a heightened level of mastery, so it’s something wonderful for both them and their patients.

There is another aspect which greatly encourages healing, the presence of Mercury in the sign of Pisces. Mercury in Pisces offers a different kind of healing, which may not necessarily have to involve the physical body, but rather society, if, per absurdum we consider society as being a living organism, where every person is a cell. It empowers institutions dedicated to healthcare of any sorts, like hospitals, research centers, laboratories, and institutions which provide vulnerable people with help for reintegration in society.

Mercury in Pisces also rules prisons, and rehab centers, so this is a wonderful astrological context for everyone who tries to fight off addictions and unhealthy behavioral patterns.

From a spiritual point of view this Full Moon in Virgo, along with Mercury and Sun in Pisces (The Sun is going to illuminate the Moon from the sign of Pisces, creating an opposition between the two) means that you are going to be challenged to manifest your inner truth, your spiritual principles, your faith in “real life”.

This, aspect being very positive and beneficial in the long run, may cause a spiritual crisis for many people in the short term. The Full Moon in Virgo is going to shed light on all those wishes, desires, inner values, and spiritual principles, which simply can not be applied in the physical realm. It will illuminate those aspects of yourself, which are only based on blind faith and your own personal spiritual choice, but which simply can not be considered to be an universal truth, outside your own mind and outside your own being. This might cause a certain frustration and also an abandonment of faith, because an individual might perceive their inner truth as fake or illusionary if it can’t be applied in real life.

Unfortunately, this energy can mean the “death” of BIG, unrealistic dreams, but it could mean the exact opposite for those desires, dreams, wishes, fantasies which do have a place in the material world, and do have at least one element to the which can be applied in real life.

For those individuals who in the light of this Full Moon find, that their inner truth and desires can be perfectly aligned with the physical aspects of life, it’s going to be a massive boost towards the realization of those dreams, and instead of having their faith broken, chances are they will believe in themselves and what they feel more than ever.

For the collective this is also a very important event, because this Full Moon in Virgo is going to inspire scientists and researchers to make wonderful new discoveries and advances in genetics, neurological research, but also geology, paleontology, marine biology, and everything that has to do with the study of animals sand wild life.

The light of the Full Moon is going to illuminate the media and internet as well, putting an end to many conspiracies, fantasies, exaggerations and fabricated stories, many people who actually benefit from manipulating the population through the power of social media and journalism are going to be exposed.


The awakening process of a starseed can be looked at from very many perspectives. Currently there are hundreds if not thousands of different ways, experiences, visions, point of view, analysis to break down this process into something logical, which our human minds can more easily perceive, with the end result to identify these processes going on inside us. As they say every little helps, and if there are many different ways to look at it, different people, each with their own unique history, life, skills, objectives etc., who are caught in the awakening process, can find the perspective, advice, help that they resonate the most with. In this and following articles I will present the awakening process from my very own perspective, which is based on the very widely known theory:according to which the outer cosmos is just a reflection of the inner one, which of course is perfectly true vice-versa. If that is true, then we can consider the Self as a solar system, composed of many different “celestial bodies”, which work together in perfect harmony…. or at least this is the aim of every spiritual person, to achieve that perfect balance, where every component compliments each other.In order for someone to fully awaken, this symbolical inner solar system has to activate, every component must be empowered and connected to each other and a higher source. In the physical world the force that makes this system work, and ensures harmony is gravity. In the inner world this gravity is nothing else, but LOVE. Passionate, pure, emotions, woven together with crystal clear thoughts, untainted by ego, suffering and any other imbalances, empowered by a great, almost divine purpose, this is the key to ignite one’s inner Sun, and once lit, that tiny spark turns into an inferno of selflessness, unconditional love, acceptance and an aura of healing and optimism for all creatures. This is our own shine, our own light, our metaphorical photons which we bombard the Universe with, but deep within, where the fusion of all the inner elements takes place, is the gateway to the higher self, to the divine within us. As long as that inner reactor is up and running, as long as the fusion is present, so is divine guidance and all the synchronicities we need.In my personal opinion, that is what they call the alchemical gold, or Ace of Cups in the Tarot, the state of bliss, where one can share the love it receives from the source of all things, and become a channel of the Divine. Now that we know that the Sun represents the Self (just like in Astrology), the Main objective of the awakening process is to make the Sun bright and intense enough, so that it shines and warms the inner Earth, which is the symbol of the physical reality. Each and everyone’s real life, the ultimate goal of every manifestation process, to transmute the inner values into physical ones (and I’m not talking about money or riches here, but of course those can be included as well).In the following articles I shall analyse and present the different stages of awakening as planetary activations, where the inner values represented by a planet become an active part of ourselves, and bring us closer to the awakened state.

The Virtues of the Moon and Mercury

The Moon

The very fist inner power that will activate when the awakening process starts to happen is none other than the Moon. The Inner moon, or the virtues of the Moon are in a physical sense strongly linked to the actual, physical Moon and it’s cycles. In many cases a special astrological full Moon or perhaps a New moon can start the awakening process. The virtue of the Moon in the internal Universe represents the force, the power, the mastery that we have over our souls, our psyches, all of our emotions, all of the dreams, and the instinctual part of the subconscious mind. The way we can tell that the power of the Moon has woken up within us, is that internally, in our minds and psyche it erases time. The fine, well defined, logical boundaries between timelines seems to disappear. Memories are no longer just thoughts or flashbacks, but they are very very intense, where you can literally relive everything that has happened and was important in your life, or has had a major impact upon you. Many times the reliving is even more intense, than when you were actually living them. This is very important because one of the first such experiences guided by the Moon will be reliving events which caused traumas or blockages. While this process is usually very painful and many times it leads to sleepless nights and mental breakdown, it is a necessity, because ultimately it leads to healing, resolution, acceptance and forgiveness. Of course simultaneously one can also relive moments of joy, events which made you happy, successes, accomplishments, very nostalgic moments, with friends, family, people dear to you who no longer exist in physical form, etc. The Moon is very special, because it won’t be the visual images, which will dominate the whole experience, but the feeling, the extrasensory perceptions, and you will be shocked when you realise, that while going back in your own memories, you can actually perceive things that you might have missed when those events happened in real time. Once the Moon is fully active within us, it bestows upon you the gift of empathy. If one’s soul is a deep and infinite ocean of feelings and emotions, then the Moon is certainly the Ruler of all that. Just as in physical reality every tide bows to it’s Silver Queen, so will the world of emotions and feeling to you, once you reach your awakened state. This is very important because you will help other people instinctively open up to you, share their deepest emotions, fears and traumas, and even if you do not do anything else, the simple gesture of sharing those leads to greater healing. Draw upon the strength of the Moon to boost your intuitive nature, to receive w=visions in dreams, and to increase your empathic abilities.


As soon as the inner Moon’s sweet silver light breaks through the clouds of the soul, Mercury’s energies follow. You will know that the inner Mercury has activated, because you will be bombarded with knowledge, learning, information from all possible (sometimes even impossible) sources. Since, the Astrological Mercury is ruler of the internet and all literature, everything related to knowledge, understanding and records of that everything you need to know, if different shapes, forms, sizes, formats these will start entering into your life at a very accelerated pace. This can be as simple as an advert for the exact thing you were looking for, this could be a song that you randomly hear on the radio, internet, meeting new people who guide you in the right direction (many times involuntarily) this could even be non physical communication with guides, spirits etc. Of course this is only the beginning, because once the inner Mercury starts to unravel it’s full potential it will be much more than just knowledge that will go your way, your life will be “invaded” by what many lightworkers call divine synchronicity, but we’re not talking about one or two “strange” or “lucky” events, but of whole chains of events, series of coincidences, you will always be at the right place at the right time, but in such a manner that it will always leave you shocked and speechless. After you get used to the full potential of Mercury being part of your life and all the infos, synchronicity, perceptions, knowledge will be a simple every day occurrence, then your soul will be called for to fulfil the role of a teacher. As you might have guessed, this comes in very many shapes and forms, maybe totally new people will just come to you for advice, informations, friends and family members who were never that close to you will all of a sudden start seeking your counsel, or this could very well turn into something much much bigger…. like a career perhaps. Either way once fully active the power of Mercury will assist you in discerning false information from truth, it will allow you to find everything that you will ever need information/knowledge wise, and to see through even the strongest, thickest, well orchestrated illusions. And perhaps most importantly to teach others how to do the same.While the Moon greatly amplifies your intuitive nature, Mercury teaches you how to use it, master it and ultimately trust it. If will show you your own unique individual methods, how to distinguish the illusions of your own mind, from proper, real, authentic spiritual experiences.Call upon the energies of Mercury when you need information which is hidden from your sight for for some reason or another you do not have access to it. It is also the best helper in times when you need connections, finding people, meeting the right specialist, perhaps finding the proper means of contacting your twin flame. Let us not forget that Mercury is also the force which empowers seers, prophets, fortune tellers, astrologists, so it can be of great help if you are trying to master any of those.

Thank you


Fellow lightworkers/starseeds and every being who dedicated themselves to be a channel to the Divine, the Universe has a very important message for you!


  • For your courage to believe and follow a higher calling.
  • For being brave enough to embrace your true path.
  • For finding the strength in your souls to embrace the unity and the diversity of the Universe and all it’s aspects and powers.
  • For all the selfless sacrifices you’ve ever made to enable and encourage spirituality, peace, love, passion and hope.
  • For all the pain and loneliness you accepted in your life because you were different and you were not afraid to show it.
  • For all the times when you didn’t shut down your empathy and you shared the pain of the world, you suffered and cried shoulder to shoulder with the Earth Mother.
  • For all the positive energy, healing, good vibes you sent to the most undeserving people, beings.
  • For every occasion you sacrificed your careers, wealth, well-being, moments of glory just to stay on your true paths.
  • For every single moment in your lives when you got hurt, bruised and defeated by the ignorance and cruelty of society; and it still wasn’t enough to put you down.
  • For every parasite, narcissist, fake friend you ever carried on your back and fed unconditionally with your pure energy.
  • For every time you stood up for righteousness and protected the Virtue of Love with all your might.
  • For every bad decision, mistake, failure you ever faced just to get here.
  • For ever souls you ever healed, every moment you chose mercy instead of cruelty, for every single gesture of unconditional love you showed.
  • For defeating your ego and keeping it at bay, allowing yourself to be an extension of the universe.
  • For all the spiritual gifts you bestowed on others.
  • For every fellow lightworker you ever inspired and helped.
  • All your tireless effort and work you put into making the world a better place, in all timelines and every manifestation of your existence.
  • For every time you daydreamed about world peace and a Utopia where everyone is happy, instead of dreaming about fame and fortune.
  • For all the non-spiritual beings you helped and invited into this world, and many of you offered your own mind to channel their messages and help them communicate with so many of us.
  • For all the times you dreamed BIG and brought forth true miracles.
  • For all the plants and animals you saved.
  • For all the times you chose to be your own personal saviour and hero, rather than beg the Universe to send you someone.
  • For all the occasions you beseeched the universe to show mercy instead of enforcing karma in the lives of others.
  • For every smile, laughter, happy moment you ever enjoyed and so spilled your pure energy into the world.
  • For all the teachings and wisdom you shared with others.

And last but not least overcoming your fears, especially the fear of life, choosing to come here and do your part, when you could have easily chosen other means to contribute to the Greatness of the Universe! Nothing that you do is ever forgotten, goes unnoticed, and un-thanked. By know I hope most of you know that the Universe never stays in any being’s debt for long, and it’s rewards are beyond anyone’s wildest imagination.

Failure or Divine Intervention?

This article is especially dedicated to those of us who had a pretty rough life, and currently are going through what we call “the dark night of the soul”. I don’t think I need to explain what that is, if you haven’t heard of the term before I have full trust in your intuition and in your inner wisdom, the words themselves are almost self-explanatory to every light worker/star seed.You’ve been a hard worker all your life both materially and spiritually? You’ve made many sacrifices and put the needs of others before your own most of your life? You never seemed to taste real success, real joy for your own accomplishments? Even when it was your time to truly shine and have moments of glory you either shied away or it simply didn’t feel right?Yep, by this time you get the picture that you are not alone, and never ever was in this, not even for a second, not even in your biggest hardship, not even when you truly believed the divine abandoned you. I know that just by reading this bold affirmation, you might feel a slight anger, thinking what the hell are you talking about, you have no idea how hard it is for me right now! Well guess what I do have an idea, and I believe that my words are gonna guide you to the answers that you truly seek, so please just give me a chance, give this article a chance and continue reading!First of all, please believe this with all your heart, please just have the courage, have the strength, have that moment of epiphany to accept the following truth: everything, all the hardship, all the torture, all the bad was in your soul’s very best interest, and if you were guided to read this, to connect to my message, then please feel relief, feel comfort, accept the serendipity, because you dark night is almost over! You are a survivor, but not like a rat who just held on the the instinct of self conservation and got lucky, but one who withstood the greatest challenges of this material existence, one who deemed fully worthy to receive the highest, purest, most unconditional support of the Universe and of all it’s manifestations! You just survived you own personal Hell, and guess what? The infernal fires of all societies illusions, of all the pain of the world, of all the injustice and inequity, it merely burned your persona, but it couldn’t even touch your pure soul. Because by the time you are reading this…. yes my dear friend and fellow lightworker YOU ARE YOUR SOUL!All the hardships, all the failures, all the fake friends, “leeches”, “ticks”, narcissists who have used and abused your pure spirit, just made you even more who you are. Do not feel sorrow or regret, let them be happy with their illusions and material well being and gains, because you no longer live in their world, you no longer walk the same earth as they do, you are now heading towards the dimension of total and unconditional love, where you don’t need anyone, not even your self! Do you know why? Because you just discovered your greatest fan! The being that admires and loves you the most. The one who enjoys every minute of your uniqueness, your craziness, your form of art, your story, your character, every little detail about you, everything that you have become. Yes, that person is none other than the great omniscient spirit of the Universe! Who/what more could you need if the source of all existence is your biggest fan?I know that your biggest fan still covers it’s self in shroud of mysteries and only gives signs through divine synchronicity, dreams, intuition, strong emotions etc. but then again, was this ever any different in your life, ultimately did it ever lead you astray? Yes it might have convinced you at times to give up material things, to FAIL, and LOSE things that might have altered your destiny towards materialism and ego, but by now you surely realise that none of those were YOU, the real you. Ask yourself this, would you have been that much happy with all the glory and success? Would the people who you had in your life be that very happy for your own gains and well being, or would they have continued to leech you even more, until you literally had nothing left, and your moments of glory would be just a bitter memory on this very day. But rest assured that the people who are currently present in your life, weak/strong as they are they would be with you in heaven or hell, good and bad, because they simply belong in your destiny, your share something much much deeper with them that goes way beyond matter. Perhaps you are the living source of spirituality for some of them and they adore you, maybe you are a divine muse for others and they couldn’t be without you, maybe you are the best friend some of them could have ever dreamed of…. and for all the strangers that you help, and all the random, anonymous acts of kindness that you do …. for those people who’s life you change unconditionally… you are no more or less than “God” in the shape of a human!You see all the troubles that you had, enabled and ennobled your spirit to be who you always dreamed of being, and even in this very second YOU ARE that being that you were always meant to be, and if it haven’t happened yet, very very soon you are gonna be surrounded by endless love, and even matter is gonna be kind and merciful towards you, as you have been all your life!The true power of the Universe can only shine in your life, when you have the inner strength and wisdom so you can truly appreciate it, and undoubtedly, unmistakeably can recognise the miracle of your existence and rejoice.Do you see now how special, loved and powerful you truly are?If you do, then please search deep within yourself and find true wisdom and spread it to your fellow lightworkers and everyone in search of it equally, just like I have done now. Trust, love and be one with the Universe, with nature and love the life and existence that you were given!

Divine Timing

This article is especially dedicated to fiery lightworkers who are blessed with the greatest passions and fiery spirit, but the shadow aspect of this can create just as great impatience. No matter how powerful and wise one is, when impatience is gnawing at the core of our beings it can lead to great discomfort and ultimately mistrust in the Divine. There are many ways in which we can explain the importance, necessity, role and mystery of the divine timing, please allow me to share with you, in the way the wisdom of the Earth explained it to me. We all know that everything here works in cycles, seasons, one phase succeeding the other, this is how our planet reached a state of balance, equilibrium, all of which serve to guide all lifeforms towards greater love and greater wisdom and of course to teach us the importance of our roles in the Great Cycle. Let’s imagine for one second that we are a plant, but not just any plant, but one which has the most beautiful flower, and gives the sweetest and most nurturing fruits (one worthy of a true lightworker). At the beginning of the cycle we are nothing more than a small seed, just a spark of information, just a tiny fragment of life inside us, one which is totally invisible to the human eye. If we wouldn’t know the future of a seed, of the greatness that it can become, of all the good that it can produce… what would we make of it? Is it not, just a tiny fragment of something obscure, no more than an impurity transported by the winds? But that small fragment has infinite power in it’s self, that little spark of life, all that genetic information that it contains, is the result of the efforts of billions of generations of the species put into a single, compact form. All the seed has to do in order to come to life, is trust the wind and trust it’s own fate, that it is destined to LIVE, it is destined to serve a greater purpose, it is destined to be part of the Universe…. the most beautiful aspect. As soon as it reaches fertile soil, the elements themselves welcome it, embrace it, love it to life, and it immediately starts to sprout. And it becomes a tiny, immature version of it’s self . At the end of the day… all it needed was trust and openness to receive the love of the fertile soil and have the courage, and self worth to feed and draw the nutrients into it’s small and fragile body. The small plant, as it grows, it has to face so very many challenges: to face the fury of the elements and adapt to different weather conditions, to face natural selection process and to survive it, parasites, sometimes drought, other times heavy rain, everything that Mother Nature can throw at it. Wouldn’t it be easier to just give up, end it’s cycle and reduce it’s role, to just feeding the soil? But still it doesn’t give up, it can’t because it’s role is way too important, it believes in it’s own future, hope guides it through the darkness of night, and the small plant is rewarded at every sunrise with the endless and infinite love of the Sun. And as many cycles of day/night chase each other, it learns the alchemy of life, to create pure living matter out of Sunlight and lifeless elements. The more it creates, the stronger it gets, the greater it’s sense of purpose is, and it’s not long before it starts to blossom.When Summer arrives the once small sprout, now a fully grown plant, shows the Divine, it’s most beautiful aspect, the Flower. Gracious, proud, fully aware of it’s own beauty, it’s not just a simple flower, but it is one which knows and rejoices in the fact, that it is Mother natures most gentle, colourful, enchanting work of art, to be in bloom stage, is in it’s self a unique experience, because all creatures walking the Earth bow before such divine beauty. But physical beauty, the one present in matter is only a gateway to the true beauty of one’s being, and that is where the eternal Venus lies. Innocence, the one which nurtures immaturity must be lost one way or another. It may be a great storm or a gentle butterfly which carries the pollen. Fake innocence turns to just a distant memory, to give enable the true self which is nothing more than, simultaneous maturity of both the soul and the body.It is painful to see the beautiful petals wither and fall off, but this pain is merely the death of the ego, the death of illusions (colour and sweet fragrance) for the infinite mind of the Divine has no true sense of time, it knows full well the beauty of the plant, regardless in which stage it might be. When the plant reaches this state of wisdom, where it realises that it is immortal just because of the simple fact that it lives on the the memory of the Divine. Then it reaches the point where it’s true work of assimilation begins and the wholeness of the being is concentrated upon the fruit. The fruit is none other than the great purpose, the past, present and future combined, that’s why the more it believes in it’s own destiny, nobility, divinity, the sweeter it becomes, the more water it stores, the juicier it gets. It is exactly at this stage where most lightworkers will start to panic, and say: well I did everything that was “asked” of me, look I’m a giant sweet watermelon, I have so so so much to give, so why isn’t anyone enjoying my gift to the world?This is where Divine Timing kicks in and only at this stage will you understand the futility of your impatience. You are not just any watermelon, you are THE SWEETEST watermelon, wouldn’t it be a total waste to let a wild boar consume your gifts? In Mother Natures perspective it wouldn’t be a huge waste, but isn’t Mother Nature herself guided by a greater cosmic force? The boar can enjoy any other fruit of the earth, any other source of food will please it and contribute towards it’s well-being. Even if the boar might eye out the big and juicy watermelon that your spiritual gifts are, the Universe is a kind and wise gardener and it will direct the boar towards more suitable vegetables, for what you represent is a source of nourishment for the most beloved of his children. So no need to hurry, no need to rush, no need to kill yourself with impatience. You must TRUST your own destiny!And with trust comes the perfect timing. The Universe, the great gardener know the exact time when his fruits are ripe, and will only harvest them when they are at their very very best!So it’s that perfect love, perfect joy, perfect unity that you are waiting for, you did your part, YES no one, especially the Divine questions that, but you must wait until Fate, Life, the perfect Harvest can enable that very special moment when you become part of the Divine in ways which you wouldn’t have even dreamed of. All of as are fruits in one way or another, we carry pure divine energy within our souls, pure love and compassion, just like a watermelon if full of sweet nectar, and be sure that the Divine, will not let that go to waste!

Predictions for the year 2019

Hi everyone and welcome to a 2019 general reading. In this reading we’re gonna look at, what 2019 is going to feel like, and afterwards what important changes are going to happen globally. This is not an individualized reading, so if you’re not curious about what 2019 is going to feel like globally speaking, you might wanna skip this one. The very first information that the cards transmit is about money, worth and value. This isn’t about economic growth and how well nations are doing money wise, globally speaking, but about what relationship does in individual have with money, finances and what the individual can achieve with it. There is going to be a major dissatisfaction globally, about the fact that money and how money is a reflection of someone’s worth in the eyes of society. While this is nothing new, everyone knows, that this is wrong, and the sad consequence, is, that lots of great, talented, passionate people, who have a true gift to give to the world, don’t even have the slightest chance to start an activity, because they can’t show their value, from a financial perspective. The World it’s self, humanity in general, both the individual and collective had enough of this very unhealthy cycle, and there is going to be a huge uprising. This might not mean anything violent or protests, but rather an indirect uprising using the internet, and small groups to spread liberating messages, in an attempt to motivate as many people as possible, so, that the needs of the many can finally conquer the “rich” and their unfair law/rules which currently control most of the world. From this perspective there are going to be positive changes, they might not change the value system from one day to the next, but there are going to be people working on this, and world leaders are going to make promises, begin creating global reforms, which will be destined to change the banking industry, make trade much fairer, hide or conceal the economic differences in such a way, that it feel much fairer to the individual. Also another issue which many nations are going to debate and try to find a solution is housing. A big part of this social unrest, is thanks to the very difficult, sometimes impossible manner in which, a family, can settle down and find a home for themselves. Another important event which is going to occur, is about freedom of information. Certain very important people, possible world leaders are ready to disclose certain hidden information, which has always been kept under strict secrecy. There are going to be hidden conferences, meetings, discussions, and even these are going to be help under pressure, because a certain percentage of the population, who made it their lives purpose to uncover the truth, are going to heat things up, by creating and financing conspiracy channels/media etc. All throughout the year, there are going to be globally highly unusual weather phenomenon, things which will need lots of explanations. That is why scientist will unite and tell us much more about what they already know and what is happening to our planet. While some things, that, are gonna be revealed will be quite scary and surprising, rest assured that they are gonna have a solution for everything. The year 2019 is also going to be about the individual, small groups, and not the global community. This is going to play out in a very strange way, because the current tendency is globalization, everyone is telling us to stick together and help each other mutually, regardless of ethnic origins and culture, because, after all, this is the only logical way forward. Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, you be the judge of this, a great separation is going to start. Countries are going to close their borders, they are going to restrict free movement, and they will welcome less and less migrants and travelers. Of course this isn’t going to be done in a brutal and strict way, but rather in a way which is respectful and fair to everyone. Since, the Universe, or call it what you will, is giving more power to the individual person, the awakening also causes them to feel the blessings of the culture they were born in, not only will they feel more and more connected, to their ancestral origins, but this will be a major element which is going to form alliances, makes the individual accept another’s imperfection and becomes less critical, and so the identity of a nation, of a culture is greatly strengthened. This in it’s self will form a great opposition towards migration and certain undeserving people forcing another culture to accept their ways. The U.S. and U.K. already started this movement and it is more than certain that other natures will follow this example. There is going to be quite a bit of tensions between nations, as well. The usual conflict of interests, war for resources, political and religious differences…. all of this is going to continue, but to top everything up, most countries are going to experience inner conflict, tension, violence and protests as well. Let us not forget that the North Node moved into the sign of Cancer, which means that emotions, and the heart is going to greatly overrule the mind. That which caused us to feel fear and restricted us in the past, will no longer be an obstacle, because the North node in Cancer, is going to give us courage, emotional strength to fight for our principles and for the security and serenity of our futures. 2019 is going to be a fantastic year for those who are major fans of conspiracy theories. Lots of unusual activities are going to occur, beginning from the start of the year, to the very end, some of these are going to be very unusual calamities, natural disasters, floods, mysterious illnesses, mysterious drugs appearing, and simultaneous technological advancements are going to skyrocket, and slowly the world will start to change before our eyes on a daily basis. This means significant advancements in space travel, anti-matter and the containment of anti-matter is no longer going to be something sci-fi, and possibly the biggest breakthrough will come from analysis of dark matter and energy. The last part of the year is a bit mysterious even for me, the interpreter, because it shows, the power of karma. I am not exactly sure what this could mean, but I am guessing from the combination of the cards, that this might represent social justice fulfilled for certain people, while at the same time, this act of justice, is going to represent the opposite to a different category of people. This can be a sign of a massive karmic change that is going to occur in 2020. It might just represent the calm before a big storm.

The second spread of the reading is designed to give us a couple of hints about the main events that are going to change the world in 2019. The cross represents the very core towards which all event will lead, and this signifies the shift in the relationship between religious institutions and the wishes, desires, future plans of the masses it “inspires”. This is also a major karmic shift, because religion and religious dogmas had a major impact on humanity’s evolution in the past and many times it forced the collective to head towards an evolutionary path no one but the religious leaders desired. Now, the contrary has to happen, most individuals are going to be free, free at mind, free at heart, free at spirit, and they will no longer accept rules, not even moral or spiritual rules, which disregard modern rights, and even the moral impact, that religion had over science is going to be lifted. Humanity will no longer consider, that they are meddling with nature or with “the Creator’s” work, but they identify the god within themselves, and come to the conclusion, that perhaps, this is exactly, what they should have been doing all along, perfecting, adapting, helping to evolve something which is governed by chaos, chance more than anything. Now let us see the events which contribute to this karmic shift: The hanged man signifies the global movement, is going to be reversed. In other words, globalization will enter stagnation, and the differences, individuality, uniqueness of genetics, history, culture if going to fortify and there is going to be a great division. But this aspect is not going to be conflictual, it’s not going to be violent, (at least not on a global scale) but rather is will strengthen the friendships and alliances between nations. The Tower card signifies natural disasters, calamities, but some of these might be caused by man. This will bring forth great unrest, and people to unite and demand answers and a clarity on the situation from the governments of the word, so from this perspective, a lot is going to be revealed, especially from a scientific perspective, but also create a lot of conspiracies and mistrust between governments and people. The Ace of Cups signifies the transit of the North node into Cancer, which in it’s self is a great spiritual and emotional blessing. For the individual it will mean an emotional cleansing, strengthening, more and more people are going to find themselves, and each other (for new relationships) and because of their empowered and pure emotional states, they are going to see EVERYTHING totally differently, from perspectives which their old selves would have never thought about. This in the long run means the downfall of organized religion and the birth of free spirituality based on the experiences and inner configuration of the individual. Money and economics are going to play a very important role, from one perspective there is going to be an economic crisis, but the reasons which lead to this are not gonna be anything solid or physical, but rather errors, mistakes, and miscalculations made by institutions, and this is going to cause a great avalanche. While this look pretty grim, for the individual is going to feel quite the opposite. Money and values are going to be more accessible for the middle and lower class, there is going to be an attempt for social justice, and regardless of how that plays out, from a statistic point of view, it’s not gonna be a pretty sight for banks and world organizations, but for the individual, it will feel the like money is flowing exactly to where it should have been all along. So in other words, this is gonna affect the multimillionaire rich people and the governments and institutions of state more than anyone. And finally The Ace of swords also appeared. Well there’s gonna be big trouble globally, the Ace of Swords means the disclosure of very important, life changing information. But this disclosure comes at a very high price, there are gonna be hidden unseen wars and battles between different sides, but it seems that the side who wants to make everything public is winning, and if you think that this is great news, the truth is going to totally confuse and forever damage the mind of certain people who are unable to think for themselves.

2019 General Reading for all signs

Hi everyone and welcome to your 2019 tarot-scope for all sings. In this reading I’m going to examine the most important energies, influences that are going to take place in 2019 for all 12 signs. Before I get into the readings I would like to say a few words about 2019 generally. Without too much exaggeration, 2018 was (still is for a few days) very, intense, difficult, challenging, but at the same time liberating and deeply spiritual year for most people. From the first days of January 2018, the massive impact of the Plutonian energies, without delay, started transforming us, mutating us from the inside. Most of us suffered a lot of loss this year, regardless, if it was love, material values, connections, friendships, beliefs, etc. these losses were more of a blessing, than anything, because they cleansed and purified our lives, souls, minds and heart of everything that was holding us back, and towards the end of the year, the Lord of the Deep Sea, Neptune, helped by the Moon pulled up all our traumas and fears from deep within, and manifested them, forcing us to relive them, but all this for the sake to achieve closure once and for all. By this time most of us are extremely tired, we feel as if we did the spiritual, psychological, karmic work of 10 lifetimes in one single year, and perhaps, right now, this very second, we have absolutely no clue why all of this happened, but our intuitive nature tells us that there has to be a greater reason, it has to lead somewhere. 2019 is going to be a very important year, ruled by the highly mystical and watery Cancer energies, and the very practical and resourceful Capricorn energies. Next year, on 5th-6th of January, starting with a Solar eclipse in Capricorn, we have the opportunity to become the person, being, that we were created to be, in other words to discover and assume our true purposes in this life. This marks the time, when all of us one way or another will hear the higher call, to become a better, smarter, more understanding, wiser and compassionate version of ourselves. The North node traversing the sing of Cancer means that, in 2019 people, who dedicated themselves to spiritual, psychological, moral, humanitarian, artistic work, are going to be greatly advantaged. It is not just a massive leap for the individual, but also for humanity. The South node traversing Capricorn is going to make scientists and engineers very bold, very brave, very desperate to prove their wildest theories, and this is going to cause the skyrocketing and incredible advancement in technologies, especially space travel, genetics and molecular biology. While in 2018 Pluto ensured our mutation, adaptation, transformation, in 2019 Uranus is going to shock us, by triggering certain events, so that people find each other miraculously. Like minded, spirited people can get together and from groups, lovers can unite, soul-mates, twin flames find each other, people in general, will feel more connected both to each other and to the Source. You may think, this is very unlike Uranus, who likes to shock and surprise, the truth is that, this is part of the surprise, because these reunions are going to give people incredible power and courage, and when there is absolutely no fear in the hearts of the masses, revolution and uprising will follow. This may not necessarily mean violence and bloodshed without bounds, let us not forget, that Saturn in Capricorn, (part of the sky where the South node resides at the moment), which represents organizations, authority, institutions and government, are very well prepared for all of this, and the resolution is probably going to take the shape of negotiations and compromises. If you’d like to read more about 2019 general forecast, check out the article dedicated to this very topic. Now, let’s see the year 2019 for each of the 12 signs:


Challenges and Transformation: The Moon card indicates that the greatest challenges, which you have to overcome lie within you! These last couple of year were extremely challenging from a psychological and emotional point of view. You have been through, almost, an endless succession of cycles, where you lose yourself and your faith in people, and then you reinvent yourself and come back stronger than ever, only for something or someone to break your optimistic outlook on life once more. The truth is, things don’t always turn out the way you want them to be, even when you try your very best, perfection can not be reached, there isn’t perfect justice, morality, equity in this world and perfection, the way you see it, can simply not exist in society. Your challenge in 2019 is to master your own feelings, your dissatisfaction, your outbursts, your fiery spirits, accept the fact that perfection is not always something positive or constructive, and in fact, it’s the mistakes, imperfections, silly coincidences, that make life beautiful, fun and colorful. Do not forget that perfection, prevents evolution, and even though, you are the ultimate masters of your own fate, you do not possess the ability to see the ultimate truth, hence your choices may not always be beneficial for yourself or those around you. The 7 of swords reversed, suggests, that when you are down, angry, vengeful, do not get your way, you often adapt a self sabotaging attitude, punishing everyone around you, including your self, family and everyone who tries to help you, and this always causes you even greater pain and disappointment. You are challenged to do a massive, large scale inner work, and reevaluate, rethink everything, especially how you perceive and recall the memories of the past, because your traumas and things that upset you, and the wrong that was done to you, may not be as severe or as bad intended as you like to think. Let go of fears, let go of expectations, let go of judgment (both of the Self and others) and try to adapt a gentle, forgiving and a little bit more ignorant attitude, where you can just shut your eyes and smile on when you see something that “grinds your gears” This will not only liberate you, but will also give you a sense of freedom, of well being that you’ve only experienced in your childhood.

The opportunity: Aries natives are going to have a major opportunity in 2019 to do something which was not accessible to them until now. For some of you the obstacles were material, lack of time, for others emotional, lack of willpower and patience. Starting from the very first month of 2019, your ruler Mars is going to enter his home sing of Aries, which will give you guys a massive boost and psychological and energetic empowerment. The Judgment card suggests, that the Divine is ready to help you and send you all the material, emotional, social etc help that you need, BUT by no means is this gonna be a lucky event, but rather a time of getting ready, training, working, studying, changing your ways, strengthening your ambitions. If you do the work, then, when the times comes, when the opportunity arises, you are gonna enter a sort of competition suggested by the 5 of wands. This can translate to very many things, so please choose the situation most relevant for you: applying for your dream job, but you have to shine, because you are gonna have to compete with other strong candidates; this could mean a BIG promotion, but you will have to meet certain conditions and of course you won’t be the only one competing; this could be an exam, a test of knowledge and mastery, which if completed successfully is going to give you a much greater financial stability, but also more freedom,; this could be romance, where you find someone you really really like, and can imagine a common future, but that person is very “hard to get” and doesn’t like strong willed people, so you will have to show great self discipline and empathy; or this could be any other competition (like gambling etc) where perseverance, ambition and faith is needed. This opportunity is guaranteed, as I said earlier the Divine is ready to step in and help you with everything, BUT it needs your full collaboration, psychological input, because it needs to see just how MUCH you want this.

Resolution: By the end of the cycle, you are going to be transformed into a totally NEW you. As the strength card suggests, materially you are going to be more stable than ever, your fears, weaknesses, doubts, everything non material, that held you back is gonna be just a faint memory, and you are gonna be a rock for those people who matter to you the most in life. The Star card joining the Strength couldn’t be more positive and joyful, because it indicates that you will be just one small step away from living your dream in 2020. For many of you this could also mean the early stages of a beautiful, romantic relationship. For those of you who are already coupled, this could mean the first steps towards a new house, marriage, or even having another child in 2020. The Star card also indicates healing of all traumas, and the sense of freedom and joy!


Challenges and Transformation: The Lovers card doesn’t necessarily indicate, love or romance, but of course that aspect is also included. The year 2018 almost integrally, was a time of great challenges, difficulties and many times sorrow. In the past 2-3 years you may have lived a very dual lifestyle, in the sense that you experienced hardship and and very traumatic events, but also love, support and help from the outside (loved ones, partner, family members, best friends) at the same time. This dual life, started weighing heavily on your souls, and you simply reached a state of emotional and psychological fatigue, which may have caused you medical problems. The Negative aspect of the Lovers card is when your thoughts and feelings turn against your body and the worries, unhappiness, or other suffocating feelings kick in, (disappointment, jealousy, insecurity etc.) they start transforming you into a zombie like person. The challenge for 2019 is to close this chapter of life in your mind. That duality is no longer present in your life, or if it is, it’s in perfectly normal standards, (most people have a dual nature, everyone has a dark side) so you have all the power, experience and wisdom that you need to exercise a greater level of self discipline, inner mastery, and continue living as balanced as possible. In other words, the challenge is to be and stay all through 2019 your own best friends, your Nr1 supporter, to unite all aspects of your being, so that they collaborate in perfect harmony. The Queen of Swords reversed, speaks of a different kind of challenge, related to love. It asks you to not to have unrealistic expectations from your partner if you are part of a couple, or if you are single and looking not to reject everyone, who develops a romantic interest in you, or at least not to reject them for reasons that source from the mind, cold ration, your own logic, which may be flawed. If you are part of a couple, you need to collaborate and synchronize with your partner at a soul level, not just on an intellectual level, because if you can’t connect spiritually, then you must face the sad truth that you are not in love, not real lovers,but rather merely allies. If you are single, then you must shut down you mind’s, your intellects, judgmental nature, and try to observe the world from a balanced perspective, which means the unification of both the mind, heart, intuition and of course what you body says plays an important part as well. If you manage to go through this transformation, and conquer your own Lilith (one’s darker side in astrological terms) with self love and understanding, instead of suppressing it, then you will become a person who you were created to be (just like your governing planet Venus, an earthly representation of love, beauty of living and an inspiration to everyone in your life).

The opportunity: The year 2019 will bring you a very different opportunity. The Moon card indicates, that your inner world, the power of your subconscious mind, your emotional body, your intuition, everything that has to do with a person’s deepest and most mysterious aspect, if going to be stronger than it every was in this lifetime. Your intuition, gut feeling, dreams, premonitions are going to be so very active, that they will help you in the most incredible and miraculous ways possible. The 2 of coins suggests balance, perfect management, garbing the most perfect opportunity at the most perfect time, successful leaps of faith, taking big risks, that are gonna lead to win-win situations, knowing instinctively what to do to get out of every tight situation. The Coins, indicates material stability, so your intuition and your inner power is not merely gonna lead you towards greater stability, but it’s gonna take you out of your comfort zone, into the unexpected, but these are risks only for your conscious mind, your soul knows what it’s doing and why it’s doing it, and it’s gonna put you on a path towards success, or realization, or “somewhere” (in the most positive sense possible) where you’ll find something that you have always dreamed of. What that certain something is, can not be known precisely, but what can be known, is that it’s a state of being that you’ve desired to live, experience, and it well from the depth of your soul. Trust your feelings, trust your intuition, your dreams, all of this is going to guide you and lead you towards the fulfillment of something very important. Resolution: This is something truly beautiful, something unique, which rarely happens in life. Do not be afraid of the death card, because it doesn’t mean the death of someone, or loss, it means, that the day will come when you are going to be confronted with a major fear of yours, or a trauma will return from the past, giving you the chance to to banish it forever. The Death Tarot Card is associated with the number 13, which in numerology signifies resurrection. We are not talking about rebirth here, we are talking about the resurrection of a state of life that you lived when you were a child or adolescent, indicated by the 6 of cups. Something surprising, unexpected is going to happen in your life, which will enable you to transform your life into a state, when you were the happiest. It is extremely difficult for me to put this into words, so please try to understand this with a non linear way of thinking. I will make another attempt to try to phrase this, think about the times when your life was at it’s best, trouble free, when you were the happiest, most optimistic, excited to embrace the future, every day was a new chance for fun and adventure, filled with laughter and lightheartedness….. those times won’t be just nostalgic memories, BUT they are going to be resurrected, re experienced, and made permanent, in other words, that will be your new life.


Challenge and Transformation: The reading is opened by the High Priestess, which, I may add, if one of the most appropriate cards to describe the true power of a Gemini. The High priestess represents a huge inner power, but not in form of brute strength, energy, or the sharpness of intellect, but rather wisdom and knowledge. The past 2 years Gemini natives have been through a lot of challenges, obstacles, and lived the dark aspect of the High Priestess, which is experiencing all their fears. All the things they didn’t like came into their lives, one after another, and it was almost like Fate herself tested them from every possible perspective, every small partition of their being. They were forced to turn all their fears into virtues by finding true wisdom in every negative aspect of life, in order to survive the personal Hell. For many Gemini natives, their very lives and livelihoods were put at major risk, and they had to use all their ingenuity, diplomacy, intellect, and mental strength to survive and prevent all sort of disasters. While, all of this sounds like someone’s personal Hell, all these negative experiences were, in fact, the biggest blessing they could have asked for, because it forced them to learn and master traits, conquer their conflicting dual nature, and helped them release their true power. The High priestess also indicates that many times during these 2 years, they were so lonely and abandoned by everyone, that they only had their own intuition to rely upon, but this caused them to develop a degree of self respect and self love, they never even dreamed of reaching in this lifetime. Currently, there might be some Gemini’s out there, who aren’t out of the quicksand just yet, but the experience, wisdom and power they gained is without question and it is a certainty, that they will successfully liberate themselves from all bonds that are holding them back Once, this “exam”, test of faith, judgment of their true characters, orchestrated by the Divine through the hand of fate is over, Gemini natives are gonna possess such mental and psychological strength, that nothing in life will be able to put them down or turn them against their own being ever again. In other words, they will reach the ultimate strength of a Gemini, they are going to be physical representations, avatars of their governing planet Mercury, bestowing the virtue of wisdom and knowledge upon all those fortunate enough to know and be friends with a Gemini. The King of Cups reversed, speaks of the actual challenge that they must overcome in 2019, which is to use their strength wisely. Gemini’s, especially when they are at full strength, they can very easily manipulate other people, they can play with people just like a chess player changes the position of figurines, they know which words to use and how to use those words, to convince others to to their will. While this, in life is inevitable sometimes, it’s not negative if you use this mental skill, to manipulate, and catapult a less wise person to serve their best interest and ensure their ultimate well being, but a Gemini can be very childish and can easily manipulate others for the sake of fun and games and a good laugh. The King of Cups indicates that if a Gemini chooses to use their strength in a negative way, they can severely hurt other people’s feelings and by doing to they will hurt themselves psychologically. Learn to control yourself, use your superior intellect and wisdom for the general good, and even though your airy nature may not make very empathic, you have to learn to respect the sanctity of another person’s feeling and emotions.

The Opportunity: You have the opportunity in 2019 to be a changing force in the lives of others. The Death card in this instance doesn’t signify that your own life is going to change, or that your are going to suffer losses, but you are going to be the one who holds the scythe of death, and eliminate obstacles, sorrow, suffering, everything that stands in the way of happiness, for yourself and for those around you. The reason why you’ve been through so much hardship is, to learn, grow stronger, and with your wisdom and intellect, advise and help those in your life, who, are going through similar challenges, obstacles. The 4 of wands reversed indicates that you can no longer be grounded, it indicates, that you are celebrating your freedom, in 2019 neither moral, legal, material obligations are going to hold you down and shackle you, everything that you do, will source from your pure heart and generosity, and not out of obligation or being coerced in any shape or form. To add to this, the 4 of wands both upright, or in reversed position has a common meaning, which is celebration, pride, being happy, pleased, satisfied and loving who you are and the way your life turned out to be. For those of you who are single, this can also indicate that you are going to have a LOT of admirers and people who would like to be with you, so if you are looking for love you will have a LOT of choice. Resolution: The Sun card indicates the ultimate expression of creativity, work that you love, a type of work which enables you to express who you are, and allow others to see the world and instances of life through the lens of your soul. It also indicates popularity, fame of some sorts, success, coming in form of appreciation and love from a wider public. The Sun is joined by the Strength card upright! This is ironic in a sense, because the combination of these 2 cards, is so beautiful and wonderful, that the only prediction that I can make is, you are going to direct your fate in the way you desire, and all possible path and choices will lead towards creativity and receiving love from others, and from the world in general. Those Gemini that posses some sort of artistic talent…. 2019 is going to be the beginning of a wonderful journey 🙂

Challenge and Transformation: The reading if opened by one of the most terrifying cards, The Tower. It doesn’t necessarily speak of material loss, disaster, break-down, but instead, it refers to your principles, to the rigidness of your way of thinking, the emotional, mental, spiritual limitations that are preventing you from living life more freely and more lovingly. The Tower signifies, that many of your principles, that guide you are based on old dogmas, education, principles which may have been forced upon you as a child, in other words CONDITIONING. Unfortunately you’ve built many things in your life upon conditioned beliefs and perspectives, on foundations which are no longer relevant, and in order for you to undergo a spiritual, emotional and social transformation your tower has to crumble. You are given a choice, either you demolish your tower with your own free will, or the Divine will do it for you. I know how scary all of this sounds, but behold the 9 of coins upright joins the Tower, it shows you, the reward, all the things that you can accomplish if that tower of old beliefs and outdated principles crumbles to dust! The 9 of coins signifies earthly, both bodily and emotional happiness, a state of well being, one’s personal paradise full of calm, peace and joy of living. When the walls of your tower will start to crack, when the Divine wrath is going to strike it’s roof, hold on tight and don’t despair, think of the happiness and joy that is going to follow!

Opportunity: For Cancer natives the opportunities are quite individualized for every single person. The combination of the lovers and Queen of coins upward can have several meanings, so please follow the one which you resonate the most with: For single Cancers, this could be finding your soulmante, the love of your life! The beginning of a magical and romantic relationship! Another possible meaning is finding the most ideal business partner, who’s influence is going to catapult your career and allow you to reach very significant material gains! It could also represent a donation, a gift, a present which will make you life much easier! For Cancer natives who are in a relationship, this could mean pregnancy, the arrival of a baby, which is going to delight both you and your partner, and your relationship will be even stronger and better than ever before. Regardless of which situation fits you the most, 2019 is going to be a very prosperous year, not only materially, but you’re going to experience love expressed in very many forms, all of which is going to delight you and make you very happy. Resolution: The Emperor, joined by the Fool reversed, tells a story of a BIG and LONG vacation from the troubles of life. Someone or a situation, or perhaps the opportunity described above, is going to offer you the sense of absolute safety, being protected, grounded, stable, very well looked after, so that in 2019 you are going to put the struggles of life, problems, obstacles, big goals that you are working on, life purpose aside, and just enjoy life. This could even literally mean an unusually beautiful, once in a lifetime vacation, where that which you see and experience is going to stay in your soul for as long as you live. The Fool reversed also means childish innocence, laughter, joy, care-free lifestyle.


Challenge and Transformation: The reading is opened by the Fool card, which means, that the challenge, which you have to overcome already started in 2018, and it’s probably not something that you can achieve or fully complete in 2019. This is more like a very long and ongoing process, which speaks of the transformation of the self. In this case the Fool card means problems, traumas, disappointments, hurt, heartbreak which occurred in the past, slowly rooted it’s self deeply in your subconscious, and for some of you it may have turned into minor psychological problems like recurring anxiety, depression, the inability to trust another person, low self esteem or low self worth. There is no quick fix to all of this, you can’t just snap your fingers and erase that which is so deeply rooted in you, and it also doesn’t depend purely on your will, you can choose not to feel bad, and not to dislike parts of yourself, but that doesn’t fix the problem forever. However, the Wheel of Fortune reversed, simply means that this process is not yet complete, BUT in 2018 there were major improvements, and 2019 is going to be a huge leap towards recovery and emotional healing. When these 2 cards join forces, it means that you are definitely on the right path, and slowly, but surely you are being cleansed of everything that doesn’t have a place in your soul and mind anymore, so it’s not really a challenge, because you are already doing it, you just have to be patient and kind to yourself, because with each passing day the future looks even brighter, and everything you went through is a major advantage in the present, because it made you smarter, cleverer, more cautious, more intuitive, and you can sniff out a toxic narcissist from miles away. Leos are generally magnets for extremely toxic, deceitful, bad intended people, but 2019 they will have an extremely difficult job, if they intend to use and abuse you and deceive you, you are slowly but surely becoming your strongest manifestation! The Opportunity: The Sun card joined by the Knight of Wands speaks of emotional freedom. In 2019 you might find yourself in a totally different light! The Sun card indicates the birth of new and long lasting sincere friendships, you are going to meet people, who are going to change you life and make it a much happier, nicer and adventurous place. The Knight of Wands also speaks of having fun, and doing things that you’ve always dreamed of, activities that may have some risks attached to them. This could be trying out some extreme sports, visiting exotic places, taking part in competitions and tournaments and winning them. It could also mean that you have the opportunity to transform one of your hobbies into a source of income and have LOTS of fun while doing it. For those of you who are single, the knight of Wands, tells you that in 2019 you are going to be more flirtatious, more passionate, and you are going to be fantastic lover. While The Knight of wands doesn’t mean a steady relationship based on pure and unconditional love, it does mean unforgettable encounters, passion and romance on full blast, so rest assured that you are going to live some very intense steamy moments and are gonna make a couple of friends with benefit very satisfied and happy.

Resolution: The Wheel of fortune appears once again in your reading, and this time it’s even upright, which is fantastic news! This card appearing 2 times in a reading signifies that 2019 is a very important year for you guys and lots of important divine orchestrated events are going to take place. Some of those will be liberating closures, while other events are going to be fantastic new beginnings. You are going to be in the right place at the right time on many occasions all throughout 2019. The 6 of coins, which joins the Wheel of Fortune, is wonderful news, those of you who are dealing with debt, loans, mortgage, any sums of money that you may owe, somehow, possibly with the help of someone dear, or maybe with the help of Divine (lotto, scratchcard, online casino games, other forms of gambling), either integrally or a significant part of your debt is going to be erased. Those of you don’t necessarily have debts or it is very insignificant, but are going through financial, material hardship, things will turn around, someone is going to help you upgrade your life from a material point of view. This could mean a very well paid job, a BIG donation from someone, or getting into a relationship with a very wealthy partner , who of course is going to spoil you! In very rare cases, when you, the Leo native, is the one who is enjoying wealth and prosperity, it’s you who are going to save the life of another person in need, and by doing so you are going to create very powerful good karma for yourself, which is going to show in every single area of your life!


Challenges and Transformation: The reading is opened by the Strength joined by the Moon card. This challenge is something mostly spiritual and psychological in nature. Virgos are being challenged to have much more faith in themselves in 2019. This isn’t just some random advice, or general truth, there is history to this. Virgos natives in the past 10 years went through a very slow, but steady professional evolution. They learned new things, they mastered certain crafts and traits, they formed partnerships and alliances with other professionals, they witnessed the rise and fall of businesses, entrepreneurs, artists, projects etc. they had the opportunity to learn from others, to do works, activities, jobs that you never imagined of ever doing, they achieved small and big successes and failures alike. While none of this is unusual, one could easily say that this is just general truth, but while all of this is just everyday life for most of us, for a Virgo native, these experiences are pure alchemical gold. They may not feel it, they may not know it, they may not believe others when they hear the truth, but thanks to their hard work and perseverance of the past 10 years, they are infinitely stronger, than they realize. The saying “they don’t know their own strength” fits this situation like a glove. Virgos blessed by their ruler Mercury, gathered and processed all this information, and with their meticulous, precise, almost artificial intelligence like minds transformed it into pure strength. A gold mine, a fountain of infinite power, endless reserve of inspiration and ideas, ingenious solutions to everything…. just that they don’t realize it …. yet. The Moon card signifies that the true challenge is to totally shut down their fears, irrational parts of the mind, even their intuition, because the experience and power that they have overpowers everything, they KNOW everything they need in order to achieve what ever their hearts desire, all they need is courage and a little bit of self belief!

Opportunity: The Devil card, doesn’t mean that they have to play dirty or commit evil acts, instead, it means that Virgo natives learned from past mistakes, and know that compromises have to be made, and colleagues, family members, bosses, business partners, lovers, friends, in other words everyone who is close to them and matters, sometimes have to be manipulated for their best interests. Mercury the planet of wisdom and communication rules Virgo, who is the representation of earthly and practical wisdom, (as opposed to Gemini), so Virgo natives can be very persuasive if they really have to be. And it is exactly this ability of their which is going to allow them to conceive a master plan, or maybe convince a very influential person or an institution to help them, offer them support and resources, all of which is going to lead to fulfillment and happiness. The 9 of coins means that Virgo natives are going to do something for a community, this could be as small as their families or as big as a town, or a region, but their action, their work, their plans or project is going to unite a lot of people and create a sort of community spirit, which will be the biggest dream of a Virgo native manifested into reality.

Resolution: The High Priest joined by the King of Cups can translate to various different things: In a material sense the High Priest signifies a legal commitment, so this could be marriage, buying a house, getting a mortgage to buy a house, getting a new job at an institution (city council, bank, government, mayor’s office), getting public recognition for something. Also, from a material point of view it could represent the birth of an institution (firm, association, charity, non-profit organization). From a spiritual perspective, especially that it is joined by the King of Cups, it means faith rewarded, it means happiness and well being achieved through spirituality or spiritual practices. For some Virgo natives, especially males this could mean fatherhood, for female natives this could mean motherhood by adoption. (for animal lovers this could also signify a new pet, but not just any pet, something that you’ve always dreamed of) This combination could also signify, that someone from your family or circle of friends(very close friend) is going to share a source of major happiness and well being with you, in this case the High priest being a symbol of your bond and alliance.

Challenge and Transformation:
The challenge for Libra natives in 2019 is a pretty tough one, because it isn’t anything material, social, it has very little to do with the outer world, it’s a deep psychological one, where they have to travel deep inside their psyche, and dig up those answers, those hidden aspects of their personality, which causes them to dislike, reject even hate solitude and loneliness. I know that hate is a very strong word, but Libra natives governed by Venus are simply created and blessed with all the skills, traits and personality to be natural diplomats, social people, defenders of love, natural born romantics, dreamers, people who act as a bridge for all forts of inter-human connections to be made. It is the sacred duty of every Libra native, to link people together, to enable the birth of friendships, partnerships, relationships etc. So, it comes as no surprise, that they need to be around people, they always need something to do, they always have to focus on another person, other than themselves. 2019 is going to be influenced by very strong Capricorn energies, governed by Saturn, it will restrict everything that Libra natives represent, but only for a short while! This restriction, blockage brought on by Saturn is not a punishment, but an act of justice. This justice is necessary, because Libra natives these past 3-4 years were so occupied with trying to find their place in the world, helping loved ones, especially their partners, parents, best friends etc that they neglected their own inner self in the process. So, before they can continue fulfilling their natural roles in the lives of other people, first they have to embrace and learn to accept and love solitude and loneliness. True loneliness, is the biggest fear of every Libra native, not because they dislike themselves, or that they don’t like spending time alone, but because not being able to express themselves, share their feelings, bombard the world with their romantic and idealistic visions, and most importantly not getting the understanding and attention they need from others is equal to being imprisoned, tortured by their own minds, immediately putting the blame on their weaknesses and imperfections. Saturn and everything that Capricorn represents, will give birth to such periods in the life of Libra natives on more than one occasion in 2019, but going deep within their souls, and applying all the knowledge and mastery that they gained the past 3 years, will enable them to switch off the excess of emotions, limit their thirst for love and attention, and instead of feeling sorry for themselves, they will embrace the solitude and give themselves all the attention, love and understanding they need by focusing their energies on a hobby or activities which they are very passionate about. The Hermit card joined by the Knight of Coins, tells us that 2019 is going to transform Libra natives, into their most stable, sturdy, reliable, resilient version, giving them the power, chance, material resources to be the knight in shining armor for those present in their lives, in a total unconditional manner. With their new found stability, strength and mastery of the self, they won’t need anything in return, not even gratitude, or a thank you, because they will have the full support of their own being and all their inner resources, which will greatly exceed anything they could possibly get from an other person. Opportunity:
The Empress, joined by the Knight of Cups, is possibly a dream come true, The Empress signifies fertility in all aspects of life. This translates to everything they touch, every plan they follow on, every project, idea, lucrative purpose is going to be prosperous and give birth to new sources of abundance, new connections, new possibilities, an expression of one’s inner power manifested on the physical plane. From an astrological point of view, this clearly means the blessing of their governor, Venus, who will act both as a Celestial and Earthly muse and guide, transforming Libra natives into a sort of metaphorical Midas, in other words everything they touch will turn into “gold” (emotional, material, moral, value or virtue). The Knight of Cups signifies that all throughout 2019 Libra natives are going to be in a constant state of flow, so expect lots of surprises, lots of adventures, meeting new and interesting people, possible from other cultures, which always fascinated you, the opportunity to express your artistic talents, the chance to greatly improve your health and lifestyle, and spending a considerable amount of time near water (in nature). Last but not least, The Empress linked with the Knight of Cups means love in every possible form. (love for another person, love of animals, love of nature, love of an activity, admiration of beauty, love for nature, and of course the realization that despite lots of bad things happening in the world, it still is a beautiful and wonderful place, and you are gonna feel blessed to be here, in this time line).

Resolution: This is a very unusual combination. The 8 of swords is usually a card with negative meaning, especially if it’s in the upright position, BUT in this case, it means something very positive. The Lovers, don’t necessarily mean partnership or finding love, but it means that you will receive the power to attract into your life, everything that you love! It’s very easy to adapt this to your own situation, just think what it is, that you would really like to attract into your life, this could be a new job, new career, new studies, romantic relationship, material values etc. The 8 of swords acts as a very powerful filer, a spider web, where you are the spider! It’s very easy to attract many things in your life, but that which we attract, doesn’t always suit our needs perfectly, or it doesn’t necessary satisfy us in the long run, that is why this “filter” play such an important role, because you will block out all the things, people, friendships, toxic people, illusions, society’s filth, and only go for the things that match your needs, the things that offer you the satisfaction that you seek, without any hidden catches! Just like, a spider can take down a prey that is many times stronger than the spider it’s self, for the simple fact that they prey is immobilized, it can not act, similarly Libra natives will successfully manage situation which are much larger, tougher or complex than they have the skill or power to manage under normal conditions. Of course, the spider web is very important, because everything that you desire will get stuck in your web, but it’s not yours until you go and claim it. Those natives who are brave and bold and have perfect trust in themselves (this is the exact reason why you are also being challenged to face solitude, to develop self discipline and perfect trust) will go for the biggest things, those who are shy and do not like to take risks will have to settle for smaller, less rewarding things.

Challenge and Transformation: 2019 is going to be a very active and lucrative year for Scorpio natives. The year starts with a positive astrological context, where their native ruler Pluto, is residing in Capricorn, along with Saturn. This means that career, work, life-purpose, finance wise you will have the opportunity to upgrade your lives, and achieve goals which you have been tirelessly working on for many years. However, success and and evolution comes at a cost, which is, to stay focused on your path, and do all the things that will be needed at the right time. Hasty decisions or delays may greatly disadvantage you and have the risk to put you back to square one. The High Priestess signifies, that you instinctively, intuitively know when and what to do, but the outside world (friends, family, associates etc.) may unwillingly give you bad advice and following them will certainly lead you down the wrong path. There is absolutely no bad intent here, quite the contrary, but you know what they say, something which is good for a person, may not be the same for another. The challenge symbolized by the High Priestess is to fully trust you non-linear way of thinking, your gut feeling, your intuition, because that holds the absolute truth for you. Pluto your ruler, is the keeper of very many secrets, and never forget that Pluto has an eternal companion Charon, the gatekeeper between our world and that beyond the veil, so the only way it can guide you, lead you, is if you embark on his boat and travel together with him. Please notice that the Chariot card, appears 2 times in your reading, which means that if you unite all the force and wisdom that you possess, and let no one, expect yourself steer those 2 horses, you are going to journey towards the realization of your goals. And this is exactly why the Chariot joins the High Priestess, because only your intuition, your innate wisdom can steer those 2 horses, which represent the unity of your mind and soul. The Opportunity: The Judgment card, joined by the 5 of swords reversed can translate to more than one situation, but these can happen simultaneously, they do not exclude each other. One of it’s meaning is, you have the opportunity to recover a debt, or someone who owes you something, regardless what it is, material or not, it going to finally honor you by repaying that which they owe you. Another meaning is karmic, perhaps you have been disadvantaged in one or more stages of your life, (childhood, adolescence etc), so the Universe it’s self is ready to compensate you, for that which you missed out from. This could mean studies, travels, material goods, emotional support, climbing a step on the social ladder, a boost in career etc. The 5 of swords reversed also speaks of justice, but a different kind. Emotionally you will find the strength and wisdom, to forgive someone who impacted your life very negatively and caused you to suffer from low self esteem for a long time. This could also take the form of an apology or an act of self sacrifice in your benefit, symbolizing their desire to put things right.

Resolution: Once again the Chariot makes an appearance, joined by the Justice card. 2019 is going to be all about justice and equity, that which is owed to you karmically, morally, socially or legally is going to be fulfilled. The Chariot individually means success, evolution, the completion of your will, advancement towards a brighter and happier future, towards greater material and social stability. But it also means a very important travel. This can be related to work, but it could also mean an unforgettable experience. The Justice card speaks about legal justice. If you happen to have a trial, court case, are waiting for some documents or decision in your favor from an institution, then it’s going to manifest in your favor. But in rare cases this can also mean inheritance, legal documents that have to be sorted out for the purchase of something big, life changing like a house, business, association, freelance.

Challenge and Transformation: The reading is opened by the Devil card joined by the Lovers. This combination is so complex that it can give birth to several meanings. The Devil card speaks of a self sabotaging attitude, which can lead to very severe consequences in 2019. Jupiter, your ruler is at home, in your part of the sky, so it will expand both the positive and negative aspects of a Sagittarius native. If you have addiction problems like smoking, unhealthy eating, you like alcohol or other substances, gambling, excessive gaming or any other form of escapism, eating disorders, steroids etc. you are being challenged to try your very best to stop or cut down, because the powerful Capricorn energies that dominate 2019 can cause you to suffer severe physical or psychological damage, which could be even fatal. On a non physical level, the Devil card signifies your superior intellect, your emotional and spiritual maturity, the clarity with which you perceive all aspect of life, which obviously gives you a spiritual advantage. Your compassionate nature, almost compels you to intervene when someone dear to you faces difficulties, and use your life experience and intellect to help and guide them. The challenge here is, to hold yourself back from doing this, you must accept the fact that excessive help, makes another person lazy, and you only delay their psychological and spiritual evolution, thus creating bad karma for yourself, even though what you do is something positive and compassionate. Sometimes in life, it’s much better to just sit back and let fate unfold, the Lovers card in this case signifies, that if you truly love someone, let them live their life the way they want it, even though you may clearly know, that they are making a mistake or are headed down a unsuccessful path, intervening, and correcting their mistakes forcefully, won’t produce any other benefit, than you feeling good about yourself. The Lovers card can be seen as the positive version of the Devil card, so the challenge is to hold yourself back from getting involved too much in the lives and decisions of loved ones, and supporting them passively. This applies especially to those Sagittarius natives who are parents, and risk having a conflictual relationship with their children by suffocating them with too much love and care. This can also be the case when you are in a long term relationship, you may risk separation if you shackle your partner with too much advice and wisdom. The generalize this part a little bit, the challenge for Sagittarius natives is to learn to hold back, and practice a non suffocating form of love and care.

Opportunity: The opportunity for Sagittarius natives is surely a blessing from their ruler Jupiter, who recently entered it’s home sing, and is going to stay there for most part of 2019. The World Card joined by the 6 of coins speaks of a Divine gift, a present, a reward, which will come to you in the most surprising ways possible. This could be a win, a manifestation of pure good fortune, a donation, the highest expression of love and appreciation, an event which will be remembered and treasured for the rest of your life. While, it is impossible to know what shape or form divine intervention will take, the 6 of coins ensures us that it’s not just a feeling, or an emotion it’s something which is material in nature as well, and that something is going to last. Whatever it is going to be, the happiness that it will bring will change your relationship with the Divine forever, because it will be a supreme expression of the love which the Universe has for you! Resolution: The Moon card joined by the 3 of Cups is a very unusual combination. It speaks of a source of happiness, of joy, feeling alive, feeling blessed, emotions of deep gratitude and love, but the event it’s self isn’t something that is going to happen directly in your life. You are going to be part of it, your are going to take place in it, but it will only benefit you indirectly, because you are going to be included in something wonderful which is going to happen in the life of another person, someone very close to you. This can be a family member, a very very close lifelong friend, life partner, child etc. In other words something amazing, very positive, almost miraculous is going to take place in the life of someone who means the world to you, someone who you love more than life it’s self, and the happiness and joy that you are going to feel are gonna be empathic in nature, as the Moon card signifies. The 3 of cups clearly means that, whatever this event is going to be, it’s gonna be celebrated, and you are certainly one of the main guest at that party. In some cases this could be a wedding, where you are invited to take the highest honorary position, the arrival of a baby, where the celebration is the christening, it could also be a massive ground braking success of your life partner or child, someone very dear to you who suffers from a life threatening condition will miraculously recover, or in rare cases this could mean the birth of the most beautiful friendship that you’ve always dreamed of.

Challenge and Transformation:
It comes as no surprise that the challenges, that await Capricorn natives in 2019 are mostly psychological and emotional in nature, due to the fact the the North node of the Moon recently entered the sing of Cancer, which greatly increases everyone’s emotional vulnerability, and to add to this, the South node moved into their own sing (Capricorn), which at the beginning of 2019 makes them very auto-critical and unforgiving towards themselves. While, this doesn’t sound like a massive challenge in it’s self, let’s not forget that Capricorns can be extremely judgmental and unforgiving towards themselves. Saturn being in it’s home sing empowers these natives equally in both a positive and negative way, the negative aspects can manifest as a self punishing and self destructive attitude. The Tower card is a perfect representation of this astrological configuration, which also highlights the fact that, the challenge Capricorn natives have to overcome in 2019 is to be gentle and kind towards themselves, by reevaluating those events of the past which had a negative impact on their love life or careers, all the mistakes they may have done, all the bad decisions they may have taken. This isn’t something new for Capricorns, they always tend to value the lessons of the past, but perhaps this time, everything has to be processed, or better said reprocessed through an emotional filter. If they manage to give less importance to the practical aspects and the practical outcomes of the situations which caused them distress, and put the main focus on what they were feeling, what emotions were driving them at that time, they will find a totally different truth to things, and the past, all the things they thought they knew, are going to take a very different shape and color. The 7 of swords speaks about the influence of some extremely toxic people, who they kept very close to their hearts, and the selfishness, narcissistic tendencies of those people who they sacrificed for was the major cause for all their bad decisions, and the negative influence which distorted the perceptions of Capricorn natives in the past. The true challenge here, is not just to reevaluate the past, and take the blame off from the Self and place it on those people who were the true authors of their suffering (and these people are either a very toxic partner, lover, close friend, or if we’re talking about career, then a boss, manager, director, direct superior), but to develop inner skills, a 6th sense so to speak, to identify negative, selfish, manipulative people before they can get too close and do some serious damage. The 7 of swords also suggests, that maybe, such a person is present in their lives, even as we speak, but their true intention still remain hidden and concealed, but not for long. That is why, it’s of the utmost importance to give way to emotions, to empower one’s intuition, to learn the true lessons of the past, to remove any misaligned belief, any illusion of the mind, so that the past can be seen and remembered for what it really was and how event really happened.

Opportunity: The Sun card is joined by the Wheel of Fortune upright. This is a wonderful combination, which means that Capricorn natives are going to enjoy a change of scenery. The Wheel card represents an event orchestrated by the divine which will help Capricorn natives to find and attract new people into their lives. These new friends are going to have a massively positive impact on every single area of life, and these new friendships are destined to last forever. It may be possible, that some of these new connections come from different corners of the world, all of which means that Capricorn natives are going to travel and see a lot of new and exciting places in the next 10 years. In fact, traveling, sight seeing, enjoying the pleasures of life in the company of like minded and spirited people, who they have a deep emotional, spiritual and even professional connection with, is going to be a source of major happiness in their lives. Those Capricorn natives who are currently single, might change their status in 2019, because one of the possible meanings of the Wheel of Fortune is divine synchronicity, which will connect them in the most unexpected and mysterious way with their soul-mates or twin flame. For those, who are going through material, financial difficulty, the Wheel of Fortune can translate to a very fortunate event that will change their lives from a material perspective. The Sun card doesn’t signify wealth and prosperity without bounds, but rather a very comfortable and enjoyable lifestyle, where optimism and hope rules one’s emotional state.

The Empress joined by the Moon card signifies, that 2019 is going to start of a big change, but for each Capricorn native this change is going to suit their own personal needs. In other words, those areas of your life in which you were either disadvantages, or you intentionally neglected, are going to undergo a very positive change, and thus starting the journey towards total balance. Those of you who weren’t very lucky in love, will have the chance to live and experience everything that you’ve been left out of, the physical, carnal aspect having priority, which by the end of 2019 is going to transform into a stable relationship and in the coming years possible marriage. Capricorn natives who are trying to buy/build a house or change homes, the Empress card signifies that this is going to be possible, with the best outcome, however this may not be fully under your control, because the Moon card adds a bit of mystery to where your new house is going to be. The Empress can also represent the birth of a business, or the chance to become a successful freelancer. Last but not least, it can also translate to fertility and childbirth, so those natives who always dreamed of having children, 2019 is the year when your family is going to grow.

Challenge and transformation: The reading is opened by the Magician joined by the 4 of coins reversed. The meaning of the combination is pretty clear: you are being challenged to loosen your grip and let go of your desire to be fully in control of every area of your life. The Magician card, usually signifies the manifestation of one’s plans, and Aquarius natives are one of the best people in all the zodiac to create the perfect architecture, best blueprints for most areas of life. Mastery, knowledge, careful planning, meticulous calculations, diplomacy, negotiations are all very familiar tools for an Aquarius, and ultimately these represent their true power, the mastery over the elements, the symbolical power of their alchemy, through which they bend the course of life and the events that take place, to their will. While most people would love nothing more than to accomplish this, and be masters of their own fate, there’s also a dark side to all of this: when they accord a much bigger role and importance to the ego, then it is needed, then the manifestation of their will can take a very dark turn. And this is no secret to an Aquarius, they know too well that when they give into their egos, it’s like a ticking time bomb. 2019 is going to be a very important year, because Uranus, their ruler and guardian will form many astrological aspects with the other planets, greatly empowering, catalyzing and advantaging them in areas of of life which have to do with one’s place in society, one’s relationship with the self and other people alike, that is why it is imperative that you stop trying to control everything in your life, and give less importance to that, which you desire to accomplish, that which you desire to gain, and make place for Fate’s hand to guide you. If you allow yourself to be receptive to the impulses that the Universe sends your way, and if you learn to live a more spontaneous and less planned life, you will enter a state of flow, where Uranus will shower you with pleasant surprises, empower you to change and eliminate things from your life that do not serve you, in a gentle and loving fashion, and guide you towards greater love and wisdom. However if you do not stop trying to control everything, and everyone in your life, Uranus, is going to turn everything and everyone against you, until one way or another you will put a leash on your ego and keep it under control.

Opportunity: The Star card is joined by the 3 of cups reversed signifies, that the opportunity that will advantage you in 2019 is not a material one, but a very important realization, a moment of epiphany, if you will. 2018 was an extremely difficult year for most Aquarius natives, some of you suffered material losses, others ended long term relationships, other were betrayed and back stabbed by people you expected this the least from, and while you did you very best to recover psychologically, you know too well that he wounds are not totally closed, they’re merely cauterized. Events are going to take place in your life, especially in March, which will shed a great clarity on your situation, in the sense, that the events that hurt you so deeply, were the greatest blessings, because you will come to realize the fact that if they wouldn’t have happened when they did and how they did, your life would be an unbearable living hell due to the fact that the snowball would have reached a critical state, it would have been too much for you to psychologically handle. The Star card signifies a total change of heart, they way you feel about the past, it represent a sense of spiritual, material, emotional freedom and the pure joy of living a life with no strings attached. In fact, the Universe was your greatest ally and friend, because it removed a source of great stress and sorrow from your life, whatever that might have been (a person, an unfaithful partner, a business which took up all your time, a fake friend etc), just that the time, when it happened, your soul was clouded by pain, and you couldn’t see the blessing for what it truly was. In other words, it is very painful to remove a malevolent tumor from one’s body, and the recovery is slow and full of aches and pains, but at the end of the day it also saves a life and gives way for new hopes, and dreams. Resolution: The Hanged man joined by the Justice card represents recovery from injustice done to you. Partially it represents karmic justice, where the Universe is going to intervene to compensate you for any possible hardship, pain and suffering that you endured in the past. This compensation can come in form of financial success, recognition of your talents, skills, an award that you achieve professionally, if you happen to be an artist, or perform artistic, creative work, this might be your path to fame and success, it could mean the successful completion of higher education or other forms of studies. From a social, material perspective, this justice can mean a court ruling in your favor, official papers, or documents which protect your rights, or perhaps a compensation of some sort. It could also represent the completion of a divorce, giving back your freedom. The Hanged man can also represent, that you will get the opportunity to put your own mistakes right. These mistakes refer to unwise decision that you may have taken in the past, or you may have followed bad advice which put you in disadvantage. Regardless of how this justice plays out, one thing is for sure, emotionally, materially, socially 2019 is going to offer you a greater sense harmony, equilibrium, balance, you will feel, that after a very long time, you finally can enjoy your life, do things that bring your pleasure and satisfaction, and all the things that caused you stress and pain are going to be just a faint memory.

Challenge and Transformation: For Pisces natives, the true challenge is not precisely linked to 2019, it may have already begun, and you might be in the middle of reaching a state of clarity and divine guidance to prevent things from going wrong. The Chariot card signifies a plan, project, decision, course of action, that you already started in 2018, which at that time seemed like a very good idea, and you had the feeling that it couldn’t possibly go wrong. The Hanged man signifies, that while your own vision, your own contribution, the way you originally thought things through was indeed a safe and sound plan, other peoples influence, intervention, “help”, expertise, advice distorted the direction towards which your Chariot was and is traveling. You either came to the realization, or are going to reach this conclusion very soon, either by the very end of 2018 or the first 3 moths of 2019, that you need to stop your Chariot from moving, because you either have to turn it back and upgrade or modify it, or you have to follow a different path, a different road, because the current one leads to loss, too many complications or the cost of success is way too high. The Hanged man seems a little bit scary, because it implies a small loss, and extra sacrifices, but there is no need to worry, clarity, inspiration, new ideas are heading your way, and your challenge is simply to identify where the problem lies, and direct your plans towards a safer, risk free road, even if the journey takes a bit longer than you expected.

Opportunity: The Death card speaks of ending and loss, termination, break ups, all of which are going to be your own decision. You have absolutely nothing to fear, because those endings, signify your personal victory over all the things in your life which bind you, keep you in place, and prevent you from living the life that you desire and deserve. Pisces natives are symbols of self sacrifice and sometimes an excess of compassion, comradeship, which makes you guys a magnet for people, who like to profit off you, and drain you from every bit of emotional energy and creativity that you can spare.(sometimes even more) It is these relationships that have to be terminated, in order for you to reach freedom, and start nourishing your own soul and body and recover your personal power. This could even mean the end of a partnership, end of a job, end of a friendship, the withdrawal from a group, the separation within a business etc. The most important aspect of this, is that it’s not going to be painful, there is absolutely no sorrow or hard feeling in this, but rather as the Ace of Cups (the most positive card in the Tarot) suggests, this will be the key to your ultimate happiness, emotional satisfaction, feeling good about yourself, being present, alive and happy in your own life, and sharing your inner and outer values with those people, who actually deserve it, and those people who also are there for you unconditionally. The Ace of Cups can also represent true love, or a love story which you can only see in movies. It could also mean total empowerment of the self, the creation of your own personal Heaven. To add to this, we must highlight the fact that Pisces is a water sing governed by Neptune, so the Ace of Chalices, the divine gift of the water element, translates to a state of absolute bliss, the true gift of Neptune. In very rare cases the Ace of Cups joined by the death card, means witnessing a miracle, a direct manifestation of the Divine. Resolution: Pisces natives are going to be truly blessed in 2019 because yet another Ace appeared in their reading. Aces, regardless of their element represent a gift offered by the Universe, a divine reward for one’s loyalty, compassion and tireless effort to help people in need, and strive to make the world a better place. Undoubtedly from ll the sings of the zodiac, it is Pisces natives who know the meaning of true selflessness and compassion, so it is them who the Universe would reward the most for their hard work. The Fool card represents a new beginning, it bears the number 0 (zero) which in numerology is the beginning of a new cycle, birth, start of a journey. Those of you who are thinking about starting a new business or taking your current one onto a who new level, like expansion, for example, 2019 is definitely going to be your year. The best part of the reading is that it doesn’t even require your input, the Ace of Coins represents a material gift from the Divine, which can take an infinite number of forms, (from lottery jackpot to a donation, or a surprise inheritance which you never even knew about) so this new beginning is going to take place after you receive the necessary resources from the most mysterious sources in the most miraculous ways.